Posted December 01, 2015
Right, well it is a lot better feature then to download another 27gb of game back up copy. I am not saying that it is flawless but it is working well, I don't have to reinstall the game and re-download all the patches again. And the traffic consumption turned out to be the Free DLC download. So your game will get back to its original state with none possibly tiny internet traffic for us with limited bandwidth.
If you have doubts where your game is just click on More>Manage>Show folder.
If you are afraid of your saves, there is super simple fix for that. Just add your game save folder to google drive or drop box or any other could applications and tadaaa you have a fully functional save cloud.
Hope that helps ;)
Maybe someone should kind of make a small tutorial (with steps and images and important things in bold) about it. That might help many people. :)