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I don't replay game often, I do plan on replaying some games but I want to wait several years first.
dtgreene: WRPGs, on the other hand, are often non-linear with tons of side quests, and different playthroughs can be quite different.
I guess it depends on your definition of "very similar". It's true that with these games replays can offer some significant variations, but for my taste there is still too much content that will feel the same regardless, and RPGs tend to be very long games. I don't like the idea of getting, say, 20 hours of alternative content (which is a very, very generous estimation), if it means putting up with another 40 hours of repetition.

The claim of replayability in games seldom has real appeal to me, if anything it's more likely to put me off, because it means that some content will be hidden behind loads of repetition, and I've seen very few games in my life that I'd actually consider different enough on a second playthrough that I'd think replaying them would be worth my time.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by Leroux
BlueMooner: Just an idle topic of conversation. Are you the kind of person who plays a game once and then you're done with it, since you've experienced it? Do you play certain games over and over and over because of... reasons? A mix of both?
A mix.

Maybe for most games, even good ones, once is enough. Take for example Thief Gold and Thief 2, they were quite good (with some annoying aspects, like the zombies or other enemies that needed extra measures to get rid of, holy water and whatnot), but I don't really feel like replaying them. Or Baldur's Gate 2 etc.

But then there are some games that were overall so enjoyable to play that I later get an itch to replay them. Quite often they don't have those annoying parts which remind me why I don't want to replay them. And for RPGs in general, they are just so big and time consuming that replaying them... ugh.

Third thing are games which you never really finish. For me e.g. Team Fortress 2. Naturally I "replay" such games as long as I find some enjoyment in them, but maybe the scope of this thread was just games that one can actually finish.

The games that I tend to replay seem to be usually either RTS or FPS games, but I don't know if that is a mere coincidence, as they just belong to my favorite genres overall (at least historically).
timppu: And for RPGs in general, they are just so big and time consuming that replaying them... ugh.
One of the reasons I sometimes like to replay SaGa 1 (Final Fantasy Legend 1) is that, while it is an RPG, it's neither big nor time consuming, yet it is *dense* in the sense that you get a lot done in such a short time. Sometimes I will even replay that game multiple times in a row. (I've found that I really like soloing this particular game, which is surprisingly manageable if you save frequently and don't play as a monster.)
Given that I have around 2000 games in Steam and God knows how many more when you throw in old-school Retail boxed games on disc(s), GOG, Gamersgate, Epic Store, Origin, Battle.Net, etc etc - yeah, I very rarely replay games in full, these days & age.
Depends on the game, but I don't replay most of my games :/
I replay quite a few. Some games are just so good I replay them for what they are. Others that are moddable always seem to have new mods I previously overlooked (recently played "Death's Cold Embrace" (Thief 2), The Aielund Saga (NWN) and Plutonia 2 (Doom 2)). Strategy games with random maps have near infinite replayability, hence why Age of Empires 2 never actually drops out of Steam's Top 100 list and why Stardew Valley, Don't Starve, etc, are all consistently listed there too. Many people dip in and out of them so often they don't even see each session as "replaying" them, more like they are session based games that they never really stopped playing in the first place.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by AB2012
I play a fair deal of strategy games of all kinds, and they have inherent replay value, in something like Master of Orion 2 for example, you can play a different race and go for a different strategy in each replay. I more or less always replay strategy games. Similarily with tactical games like Field of Glory, and racing games.

I do replay some point-n-click games, once I've forgotten the exact puzzle solutions, usualy when I miss the gameworld. These days most them have multiple endings as well.

I also replay "uncomplicated" action games, like Shadow Warrior, Kane & Lynch 2, Stranglehold, ... you know, pure action.
The more linear the better.

I rarely replay open-world games, it's just too much work, especially if they follow the Ubisoft or Rockstar formula. The Yakuza games are an exception, I'll happily replay them because I just love the game-world and the characters.

My problem is that my backlog is too large, so even if would be open to replaying a previous game, I'm more drawn towards playing something new from my pile of guilt.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by blueGretsch
I actually watch others play through a game rather than replay it myself (like a long movie, with or without commentary), and just like with old sci-fi series; in general, I prefer to replay/rewatch older titles instead of trying new ones. :D

I usually replay fps' and rts' from start to finish since those are more linear. Like the original Doom games (1-3), Unreal, Half-Life 1&2, Prey 2006, COD 2, RtCW, Wolfenstein 2009, C&C+Dune series and StarCraft 1 are games I frequently replay.

* RPG's
Since it seems like I never "finish" an rpg I often "revisits" rpg's, especially if the game is centered around an open world, like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series. Haven't finished Witcher 3 or Skyrim yet. It's a long and dangerous road with too much to see (and pick up).

* PnP/puzzles/adventures/tbs
Tends to be played only once. Maybe a replay after many many years... exception here is HoMM 3.

* Racing
Games like Carmageddon, NFSHP2, Ballistics and the Burnout series are also games I "revisits" pretty frequently.

* MP
After UT2004 and CS1.6 (and the decline of LAN) I've more or less stopped playing MP games, and if I do I usually play against bots.

* MMO's
Used to play War Thunder often but after they latched a root kit onto the game and destroyed my Windows installation I stopped playing it completely. Shame really...

And they say you always come back to EVE Online. We'll see about that...
Post edited May 24, 2021 by sanscript
I don't often replay games focused on story. There are too many games and so little time. A notable exception is Monkey Island; I just love that one.

I don't consider that playing multiple times strategy games with skirmish or random maps is replaying. The point about those is to be able to master the mechanics in different situations. Hence why I don't think it's possible to "beat" Civilization and the like -there is always something new you have never seen before.
One thing that feeds the habit of replaying games you've already finished is the learning curve of new games, at least games which are from different genres than what you are used to.

E.g. if I play a RTS or FPS game, there usually isn't that much new to learn about controls etc.

But when I started playing something like Horizon Zero Dawn... god, I felt I had played it already for ages, and I was still in a damn tutorial (I was past the starting dungeon where the girl drops, and then came the "hunting lessons from daddy" part, and I kept thinking "I need to learn yet another trick or feature in the gameplay? Is there no end to this? When do I get to actually play the damn game, without someone constantly holding my hand and telling me what to do?"). It also started to feel they had crammed a bit too many "gameplay features" to the game, trying to make it all feel so much more versatile when there is this and that you can do in the game.

I don't know how common that is with modern games where they try to teach you everything there is to know during the first hour or so. Couldn't they, like, divide into pieces that first it teaches you some basic things and lets you play proper, then moving on to more advanced stuff etc.

I had a bit similar problem with Homeworld, there were so many tutorials teaching me how to play the game, and if I didn't start playing the game right after that, I might even forget how the heck I was supposed to play the game. Granted, Homeworld has quite complicated 3D controls and shit.

I keep using Starcraft as an example, but it had a good system: you learn basic things in the first few missions, and increasingly the game adds complexity to the missions, more units etc., so you are never overwhelmed by how much new stuff you're supposed to learn in one swoop, but you get them in smaller easily digestible pieces. It manages to teach you how to play the game, without feeling like a tutorial at all.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by timppu
ConsulCaesar: I don't often replay games focused on story.
Same. I like games with a lot of story too, but it is difficult to replay them for me. Usually have to decide to roleplay as something since I did my canon playthrough the first time.

As for games I replay regularly, that'd be a pretty long list. But just to name a few

Serious Sam games (except 2)
Unreal series games
C&C games (up to Red Alert 3)
Age of Empires 2
Battle for Middle Earth games
Doom (not the new ones)
Duke 3D, Blood
Shadow Warrior 2013 and 2
Hard Reset
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Titan Quest
Worms Armageddon and World Party
Heroes of Might & Magic III and V, potentially Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Disciples 2
Post edited May 24, 2021 by idbeholdME
If the game is single player, I don't return to them once ending them. With the exception of rouge-like games that have procedural-generated games. I still play Jupiter Hell, Starward Rogue and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

A great majority of my collection is fighting games, so I go back to those all the time. I still play Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Samurai Shodown V Special, Virtua Fighter II, Dead or Alive 2, Tekken 3, Tekken 5, Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 4 and The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.

I setup matches weekly with family and friends either online or in person using Parsec, Fightcade, RetroArch and with the new releases.

I still play a lot of my original shooters that I bought in the 90's both online and in person. The main ones being: Doom (1993), Quake, UT99, Star Trek Voyage Elite Force, No One Lives Forever and Solider of Fortune. We run some of these monthly these days but we are trying to move on to more modern games like Xonotic and Destiny 2 (Deathmatch).
I replay Crpg's vigorously and it's my favourite genre so that's that and as for the games i replay a lot.

Infinity Engine games- they are just fun
Gothic 1&2- same
Mount and Blade Warband- it's endlessly replayable
Battle Brothers- Great tactical game
Solasta EA- Fun combat and adventure
Pathfinder: Kingmaker- Love it.
Daggerfall and Morrowind
HoMM 3- amazing
Might and Magic 6-8, great dungeon crawlers
Wizardry 6-8-same
Worms Armageddon
Grim Dawn
Titan Quest
Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong-Not often but a few years apart.

Some FPS like Amid Evil, Dusk, RtCW, Ultimate Doom and Doom II.

Many more games but it's too long for this list.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by ChrisGamer300
Time4Tea: Very rarely, if ever, if I'm honest. There are just too many other games I would like to play and I have such little time, as I have kids and I'm very busy.
What he wrote.