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Just an idle topic of conversation. Are you the kind of person who plays a game once and then you're done with it, since you've experienced it? Do you play certain games over and over and over because of... reasons? A mix of both?

Aside from patches, you don't really need to add anything to a new game to play it. Mods OTOH, are really for people who play a game more than once, and possibly many times. The huge modding community that exists suggests that quie a few people enjoy playing a game repeatedly.

Now obviously, games are different. Some, like RPGs, generally have a set story and path, so every game will be very similar. Other games only provide a framework of rules, and evrey playthrough is a new map, a new planet, a new universe. Roguelikes for example give you different dungeons each time, but the rules stay the same, letting you vary what kind of character you're going to use.

Off the top of your head, about what percentage of games you play are repeats? WHY do you generally play games mostly for the first time, or mostly repeatedly?
I can't really give a ballpark percentage of how many games I only go through once. If I like the game enough I'll do multiple playthroughs of it. Right now I'm doing the Mass Effect series (again). Other games I frequently return to are the Halo games, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo (all games in each franchise), the Infinity Engine games, the early Pokemon games. And the NES Mario games.
Depends heavily on the game. Games like Medieval II and Rome Total War I play a campaign at least once a year. I replay Call of Duty 4 about once a year for whatever reason, not really anything too religious about it just happens. Delta Force Black Hawk Down is another game like that. I've replayed a few platformers like Yoshi's Island every few years, once more just coincidence.

Actually, Call of Duty 3, World at War, and 2 are also replayed every couple of years. The first CoD not really. I've played Resident Evil 4 a couple times, once on Wii and once but maybe twice on Gamecube and started playing it on Xbox One but for whatever reason I cannot get it to work on there. I've also played Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Sacred Stones, and Radiant Dawn through a few times. I play them a few times with in a five or so year period. Baten Kaitos Origins and Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean I think I every here and again but not necessarily all the way through.

Though I have not played it since I did play through DMCIV literally as soon as I beat it but have not really played it much since. That said, I do play Ninja Gaiden games and God of War a little bit at least once a year so far.

Games I don't replay in full but have in some way play after beating it include Age of Mythology, Age of Empires II, Age of Empires III, and Stronghold Crusader at least once every few months I'd say. Similar but you cannot beat them include Battlefront (2004) and Battlefield 2 (with mods these days) as well as Mount & Blade.
BlueMooner: Just an idle topic of conversation. Are you the kind of person who plays a game once and then you're done with it, since you've experienced it? Do you play certain games over and over and over because of... reasons? A mix of both?

Aside from patches, you don't really need to add anything to a new game to play it. Mods OTOH, are really for people who play a game more than once, and possibly many times. The huge modding community that exists suggests that quie a few people enjoy playing a game repeatedly.

Now obviously, games are different. Some, like RPGs, generally have a set story and path, so every game will be very similar. Other games only provide a framework of rules, and evrey playthrough is a new map, a new planet, a new universe. Roguelikes for example give you different dungeons each time, but the rules stay the same, letting you vary what kind of character you're going to use.

Off the top of your head, about what percentage of games you play are repeats? WHY do you generally play games mostly for the first time, or mostly repeatedly?
I think the answer to your question is largely answered by you, yourself. The game genre is the primary determining factor of replayability, so it becomes a question of what peoples' favorite genres are.
I try to wait about 10 yrs between playthroughs, in hopes of having a better chance of "forgetting" how to make my way through. For example, now replaying Star Wars: Dark Forces, which I believe is about a 1995 game, and I last played it in 2008 so that was almost 13 years ago, so I've almost totally forgotten how to get through it, and that makes it more fun for me. Almost like seeing the game for the "first time", but occasionally you remember something.

I read somewhere that you usually forget things better after 11 years. I doubt that's a universal truth. Next I really want to play Crysis (the first one) because my PC at the time was crap and couldn't handle it, so I think I could finally get through it now. If you've been gaming that long, look back about 10y and see if there's something you like!
Semi-completionist here. I don't usually replay games unless there's an achievement for it or if there are multiple endings. That being said, there are others that I've yet to fully complete depending on the achievement or game.

But I will go back to SC and SC2 because their custom maps are pretty awesome.
I would say that most of my gaming is usually replays. (It's been a bit different with the recent Saviors of Sapphire Wings release that includes another big game, Stranger of Sword City, that was new to me.)

In fact, I've been thinking of what game to play next, and some of my thoughts have been:
* Crystalis (thanks to the SNK collection, this is a game I played decades ago and enjoyed (even got the GBC version))
* Romancing SaGa 2 (SFC; this game would be new to me, and yes I'd be playing it in Japanese)
* SaGa Frontier 2 (this would be a replay)
* Going back to Stranger of Sword City Revisited, either to finish the main game (I'm up to the final dungeon) or to restart (which I'd count as a replay)
How often to I replay games? It depends on the game. Usually never. Sometimes many times.

Games which I've played more than five times from beginning to end:

Deus ex
Half Life
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Portal and portal 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time
System Shock 2
Return to Castel Wolfenstein
Indiana Jobes and the Infernal Machine
Doom 3
Fallout 3
Tron 2.0
Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000
BlueMooner: Some, like RPGs, generally have a set story and path, so every game will be very similar.
It depends on the RPG. JRPGs tend to be similar between playthroughs, though sometimes there's diversity in character builds (like replaying Final Fantasy 3/5 using jobs I hadn't used much before). WRPGs, on the other hand, are often non-linear with tons of side quests, and different playthroughs can be quite different.

It's worth noting that the SaGa series is in a weird spot; the Romancing SaGa games are less linear, while the Game Boy SaGas are more linear, but the multiple races with fundamentally different growth rules can make multiple playthroughs feel different. (SaGa 2 is very different with an all Robot/Monster party versus an all Human/Esper party, for example.) SaGa Frontier 2, on the other hand, has perhaps the least variation between playthroughs of the series aside from SaGa 3 (and SaGa 3 still has the multiple races thing going on).
If i was done with a game after playing through it once i wouldn't care about DRM-Free games and would probably just use one of those Gamepass services. I replay pretty much everything fairly often because i tend to find games more enjoyable the second, third, fourth or fifth time of playing through them. The first walkthrough is always the least enjoyable one for me.
Rarely nowadays in all honesty. We are spoilt with way too many to ever get to play once. It was different before when we only had a limited selection. The only one I have really replayed in the last few years is doom 2016, eternal, and ac: black sail.
Very rarely, if ever, if I'm honest. There are just too many other games I would like to play and I have such little time, as I have kids and I'm very busy. I mean, there are several games I can think of that I really liked, where I haven't played other games in the series yet (Witcher, Batman Arkham).
There are quite a few old games that I'd like to replay... but I just have too many unplayed games too play.
The game types that are highly replayable are usually the ones that interest me the least. I don't care much for endless (or a lot of) repetition.

InSaintMonoxide: If i was done with a game after playing through it once i wouldn't care about DRM-Free games and would probably just use one of those Gamepass services.
Even IF that's something I would do (I don't)...
I just looked at the Xbox Game Pass; many games that I own and/or want to play, just aren't on it. I see many games that I don't care for, and few old games.
I looks like a limited catalogue of what's most popular these days.
never , i cant see the point , when you could just play another game instead
I hardly ever replay games. Especially not games wih stories like adventures, RPGs or linear, story-telling shooters. When I play a game, I try to get the most out of it in one playthrough and then set it aside to dedicate myself to a new one. There are a few games I come back to from time to time, and those are games with strong modding communities, but I don't come back to them in order to replay what I've already seen, but to experience new content (e.g. Neverwinter Nights, Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures, Fight the Dragon - they all offer new fan-made campaigns, adventures, levels to play). In some rare cases I might replay a game or a module I already know, to help someone playtest it or if it's been so long since I last played it that I've forgotten most of it again (but I tend to have a good memory for games, books and movies).

I am not necessarily a purist though. I've used UI mods in Skyrim and NWN2 on my first playthrough already, for ease of use, and I played Temple of Elemental Evil with the Circle of Eight mod to escape the tedium of the original version's beginning (although technically, in this case you might say I replayed the beginning, because I installed the alternative quest only after experiencing how lame the default ones are).
Post edited May 24, 2021 by Leroux