hedwards: Not enough people complaining, really.
They were a pretty resounding fuck you to people who have jobs, especially that first one where the only games I might have been interested in were at the very start of the promo when any reasonable person would have still been in bed.
A bloody stupid promo and particularly exploitative.
They ran for three cycles, repeating the promos three times. I have a job too, and a full time one at that.
But I was still able to get a lot of good games from that. Those I couldn't be around to grab, I made nice buddies in the chat who gleefully got one code for me and I returned the favour for them.
It was a very unique experience, for me.
AB2012: I never understood the appeal of them. People who have jobs, a life, etc, end up spending less whilst GOG doesn't earn that much more from everyone else to make up for that. Everything else about them just seems like an artifical time-gated restriction which defeats the whole purpose of a sale (you lower margins in order to make more on volume, not lower them then kill off that volume by locking your customers out of your store for 5hrs 50mins out of every 6hrs...)
They built up an astounding sense of community with other people waiting, since they naturally pushed people into chatting to spend time and gather info. And most people helped each other with information, suggestions, gifts, all sorts of support.
I can recall at least 3 or 4 games i would NEVER HAVE TRIED if it weren't for people here in the community that convinced me about them, and they were AWESOME.
People bought extra copies for giveways and it was giveaway galore. Everyone got plenty of free games from generous donors.
They were a consistent part of why I came to love GOG's community.
Nowadays I barely have any reason to be writing here at all.