chas-compto: also Hi,
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what dose this mean
24-48 business hours (work days) from the Polish timezone. This means Mon-Fri in general however they do have some support folk in on the weekends too but the majority of support is on weekdays. If you submit a report after end-of-business day in Poland on Friday for example, wait until Monday morning (Poland again), then give them 24-48hrs. If there is a massive sale or other major event going on, it could take an extra day or two perhaps depending on how badly support is overloaded. If you don't hear from them within that timeframe, then it doesn't hurt to ping them again and refer to the issue number from your first request. You can also reach out to them in the forums here and sometimes someone from GOG spots it and forwards it to the right people.
The majority of time they handle support requests very quickly though (the 48 hours above).