Posted October 20, 2016
Edit: For those reading in the future, I've decided that the method I'll use is to stop wine from creating anything outside the prefixes as indicated in the solution post, and to create little scripts in the base directory of each one which does the same thing as a .desktop file would. Any time I'll ever save by having those entries in Whisker menu has been overtaken by the amount of time already used fighting to make them work consistently.
Give a look to the other good suggestions given in this thread too which may work better for you!
An example script which should work for any game by changing the third and fourth line:
cd "./drive_c/GOG Games/Europa Universalis III Complete"
wine eu3.exe
Original post:
Hi all,
This is an issue that's been plaguing me since I started using Wine to play Windows games. How do you make it so you don't have to reinstall every Windows game you own when you change computers or want to change the directory they're in? I have a feeling I don't know the location of some Wine config file that lists all prefixes, and you may see by my processes that that's the case; please let me know if so.
Setting up and using a new Wine prefix wherein I install a game with its installer works flawlessly for me every time, but as soon as I want to reuse the set up prefix on a different computer or I want to change the location of it, I have issues almost every time. I'll focus on the moving because that's what's really bothering me now.
I decided today that I'd like to have my Wine games be set up in my home folder differently, e.g. instead of ~/.wine-whatever it would be ~/Wine/Whatever.
What am I doing wrong? My process:
1. Move the contents of ~/.wine-whatever into ~/Wine/Whatever
2. Change the appropriate desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs to point everything to the new location, escaping spaces only when appropriate.
3. Making sure everything is ok in ~/.config/menus
4. Try to run the game through the entry in Whiskermenu (I use XFCE)
Sometimes it works, and sometimes Wine pops up saying it's configuring the prefix, and it does so by setting up a new one in .wine-whatever and blowing away my desktop and menu files! If I had backed those files up before and restore them after their unwarranted deletion, then trying to launch through Whiskermenu gives a useless "Error: File not found" Wine popup, but running the .desktop file directly works...
What am I missing? When I copy the wine prefixes and desktop files to the same location and name on a new computer and try to launch it, wine complains that it can't set up a new wine prefix in the space that I just copied everything into!
My searches online lead to either irrelevant winehq pages or tips on how to move literal wine bottles safely without breaking them.
What a frustrating mess.
Give a look to the other good suggestions given in this thread too which may work better for you!
An example script which should work for any game by changing the third and fourth line:
cd "./drive_c/GOG Games/Europa Universalis III Complete"
wine eu3.exe
Original post:
Hi all,
This is an issue that's been plaguing me since I started using Wine to play Windows games. How do you make it so you don't have to reinstall every Windows game you own when you change computers or want to change the directory they're in? I have a feeling I don't know the location of some Wine config file that lists all prefixes, and you may see by my processes that that's the case; please let me know if so.
Setting up and using a new Wine prefix wherein I install a game with its installer works flawlessly for me every time, but as soon as I want to reuse the set up prefix on a different computer or I want to change the location of it, I have issues almost every time. I'll focus on the moving because that's what's really bothering me now.
I decided today that I'd like to have my Wine games be set up in my home folder differently, e.g. instead of ~/.wine-whatever it would be ~/Wine/Whatever.
What am I doing wrong? My process:
1. Move the contents of ~/.wine-whatever into ~/Wine/Whatever
2. Change the appropriate desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs to point everything to the new location, escaping spaces only when appropriate.
3. Making sure everything is ok in ~/.config/menus
4. Try to run the game through the entry in Whiskermenu (I use XFCE)
Sometimes it works, and sometimes Wine pops up saying it's configuring the prefix, and it does so by setting up a new one in .wine-whatever and blowing away my desktop and menu files! If I had backed those files up before and restore them after their unwarranted deletion, then trying to launch through Whiskermenu gives a useless "Error: File not found" Wine popup, but running the .desktop file directly works...
What am I missing? When I copy the wine prefixes and desktop files to the same location and name on a new computer and try to launch it, wine complains that it can't set up a new wine prefix in the space that I just copied everything into!
My searches online lead to either irrelevant winehq pages or tips on how to move literal wine bottles safely without breaking them.
What a frustrating mess.
Post edited October 23, 2016 by pbnjoe
This question / problem has been solved by immi101