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I bought one during the first round. I'm fairly happy with what I received (Aarklash Legacy). Seems many people were not happy because either they got games they already owned or games they had no interest in. I can understand being mad at getting a game you already owned, but that's just the risk you take vs getting something you have no interest in.

However, I wonder if they'd had different piñatas with games bundled by genre. IE- One type of piñata would have soley RPG, another would have puzzle, etc. And you would get one random game out of each of course. I wonder if this would have went better. Maybe if the type of games in the piñata sale include something in your wishlist, these games have a much higher chance of coming out? Maybe we could have a non-wish-list and we can mark games that just don't interest us so these games are less likely to come out for us on sales like this? A lot of maybes in gambling I guess.

I didn't buy a piñata for the second round so far, and don't really plan to. I DID buy Oceanhorn from the front page however. I think it will be a fun one since I loved the Zelda games. Like others have said, I think I like the insomnia sales better for the simple fact you know what you're getting. Still, this was an interesting sale.
FoxbodyMustang: I bought one during the first round. I'm fairly happy with what I received (Aarklash Legacy). Seems many people were not happy because either they got games they already owned or games they had no interest in. I can understand being mad at getting a game you already owned, but that's just the risk you take vs getting something you have no interest in.

However, I wonder if they'd had different piñatas with games bundled by genre. IE- One type of piñata would have soley RPG, another would have puzzle, etc. And you would get one random game out of each of course. I wonder if this would have went better. Maybe if the type of games in the piñata sale include something in your wishlist, these games have a much higher chance of coming out? Maybe we could have a non-wish-list and we can mark games that just don't interest us so these games are less likely to come out for us on sales like this? A lot of maybes in gambling I guess.

I didn't buy a piñata for the second round so far, and don't really plan to. I DID buy Oceanhorn from the front page however. I think it will be a fun one since I loved the Zelda games. Like others have said, I think I like the insomnia sales better for the simple fact you know what you're getting. Still, this was an interesting sale.
Same here. I got Last Federation on the first round, haven't cared for the selection since so no need to get more pinatas. If this sale ends with only one buy from me than I'll consider it a success.

Still, not a fan of this style of blind sale. I don't mind the price cuts, but the selection is slim and you don't know what you're getting until you buy. With the Insomnia sale they had me hooked. I was logging in every chance I got to stay updated on what was on sale and when that sale was ending. With this pinata gimmick, I think I've come here 2 or 3 times since it started. I just don't think this sale is generating the kind of interest they thought it would.
Luckly, I avoided all the Pinatas crap (I already had the good ones).
Thank God for the tracking thread.

I just hope that the euro won't increase again at next good promo..
I bought 4 of the first round, I totally missunderstood how they work (I thought they would come in a sort of "item" like gift on Steam), so open a tiket to have them changed to gift, had a positive response from support to which I replied to confirm my request, but it's now 3 days since my 1st message and still waiting for it...
Anyway, I tried a fifth purchase -yep, this time made right, gift- I got Jazzpunk and I started searching to trade it for for Shadorun.
Pinatas sale itself wasn't such a memorable event, but ended up pushing me in trade/gift threads, where I found nice people, got Gods... as a gift, so I decided to gift myself Jazzpunk to a guy who wanted it but couldn't offer Shadorun (I'm still looking for it, sigh...). That felt good, so I gifted another old key I had for Origin (Crysis 2) to help the gift thread.
So my Pinata experience was overal great thanks to the community.
Oh, and if someone wants to trade Shadorun, send me a message and I'll make an offer! :D
Post edited September 16, 2015 by Ulfednir
Got for myself:
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
SteamWorld Dig
Volgarr the Viking
Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass
Randal's Monday
Lumino City

Gift keys:
Sir, you are being hunted!
Unrest Special Edition
Jazzpunk (refunded - I love that game, but I doubt I'd find anyone trading something for it)
Legend of Grimrock (refunded)
Blackwell Bundle (refunded)
Last Federation, The (refunded)
Gods Will Be Watching: Special Edition (gave it to a friend)
Lumino City (traded for Star Wolves)

Got screwed out of:
Desktop Dungeons Enhanced Edition
Post edited September 16, 2015 by fronzelneekburm
Not all too bad.
My first attempt at the Pinatas ended with money going out, but GOG failing to deliver anything. I was a little disappointed when I asked for store credit and was given a refund instead. I just put that down to learned reflex from their end.
I then did another and did okay.

My haul from all this is:
SotS:Gold - Owned piecemeal (and bought it at full price), but now this will at least remove this from future poorly run sales that fail to see it in my account. Good enough game to wave this off, this time.
Hot Tin Roof - I was waiting for a 40%+ reduction. It looks like a game I would enjoy, whilst still being able to leave me unsure, so this was great.
Redshirts - Own it already through Groupees, its fairly so-so. Yet nice to have a secondary backup here anyway I guess.

The only Pinata game I hope rolls around again is Lumino City as I missed it in the first run.
Machinarium Collector's Edition
Gods Will Be Watching
I will say that the pináta sale isn't on the same level as the insomnia sale nor is it for the same people.

If you already own most of the games being offered yeah it really sucks but if your like me and only buy the occasional game, AND are open to a wide variety of Genre's and experiences a random surprise can be fantastic.

It's bits of random chance like this that can help people discover new genre's and series.
I did great. Didn't buy a single one so I got everything I wanted: nothing.
Very disappointing GOG sale.
Miserably, i got 2 games I don't want, one game I only might want and another I already had.
Not thrilled with the concept of the giveaway, seeing as I'm a very fussy gamer and I really don't see anything from the confirmed pinata list that I have on my wishlist. But that's just my personal opinion. My professional opinion is that some folks are such uber-gamers who will try any style of game, they'd love the idea of getting a mystery game at such a hot price. No harm, no foul, we're not being forced into buying anything, plus we can gift the pinata to ourselves for future trading.

So will I or won't I buy one? Well, if I break one open, I could be surprised by something that has had me curious in the past, but not enough to purposely buy it. But then if it's something I'm completely not interested in, how long until I can find a willing trader?

These are the things that keep me up at night...

[EDIT] Well, that didn't take me long. What was it, 11 minutes? I went ahead and did it & I got something I may keep. Consortium, which is described as being very dialog-heavy and like an episode of Star Trek, so I may very well love this game. I hope there's not much real-time combat (since I suck at it), but I'll give an occasional *boom-headshot!* if need be. Standard price is $15, so that's an 80% savings on something I may decide to keep.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by ChaunceyK
ChaosPlasmid: I picked 3 pinatas and was 67% pleased with the results ... until I went over to Humble Bundle and found that I could have gotten the two I liked for less. Oh, well. Live and learn. :)
This. @100% games you would have bought anyway, maybe $3 per game sounds interesting but realistically that's not likely to happen.

*If* you like 2 out of 3 that's $4,50 per game for games you might begrudgingly put into your 'might play list' but there's a good chance they're still games you wouldn't have given a second thought even if they had been on a straight sale for $3

And sure, it's 'cheap' compared to the base price, but a lot of those games are as cheap on normal non random sales or have even been cheaper and/or bundled before.

Unless you like to 'gamble' or are open/looking to get into something you normally wouldn't consider it seems much better to save your money for a proper sale.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by Pheace