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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

The week's end is upon us! Time to rejoice, consume unhealthy amounts of food, sleep, relax, and play a lot of videogames. Not necessarily in that order. But weekends are not about order, they are about wonderful, uninhibited, guilt-free fun.

So which games are you playing this weekend to achieve the fun? Go on, share your Weekend Playlists with us. They can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some inspiration, perhaps? The releases of the week provide plenty:

You can wreck the dead with your dancing routines in the new <span class="bold">Crypt of the NecroDancer DLC</span>
You can crawl into the labyrinthine dungeon of <span class="bold">Barony: Cursed Edition</span>
You can catch up to the upcoming <span class="bold">Blood and Wine</span> expansion for <span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span>
You can puzzle/platform your way into the enigmatic heart of the <span class="bold">Braid</span>
You can solve this giant riddle of an island as <span class="bold">The Witness</span>
You can blow away aliens with a super-tank in <span class="bold">Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy</span>
You can build your own <span class="bold">Goliath</span> and play fisticuffs with huge monsters
You can blast into space and become a <span class="bold">Star Ruler 2</span> with the new <span class="bold">DLC</span>
You can fight under the neon lights, practicing your awesome <span class="bold">Megamagic</span>
guppy44: I started DOOM 4 today, but I ended up going back to Wolfenstein 3D. Don't get me wrong; DOOM 4 is fantastic! It really lives up to the originals with its fast paced gunplay, heavy metal music, no weapon reloading, and non-stop brutality with excessive gore/violence, but the nostalgic gamer in me will always love old games over new ones. I've recently replayed every DOOM game prior to 4, so that's why the franchise switch. :)
mecharma: Are you going to go back for more Doom 4?
I will, but likely not this weekend. I've got to finish the last four chapters of Wolfenstein 3D and then move on to Spear of Destiny. You guys also released some games I really want to get into (Uprising 2 is calling my name). I'll mix in more DOOM 4 next week I'm sure. :)
Zelda Skyward Sword or maybe Stardew Valley
also maybe Age of Decadence or Pillars of Eternity
or maybe somethingelse
Last week i got Heroes of Might and Magic 3 from GOG, so i'm playing this one, mixed with Unepic.
guppy44: I will, but likely not this weekend. I've got to finish the last four chapters of Wolfenstein 3D and then move on to Spear of Destiny. You guys also released some games I really want to get into (Uprising 2 is calling my name). I'll mix in more DOOM 4 next week I'm sure. :)
Wow. I like to replay Wolf3d/SoD/Noah3d, but I play it over many short sessions. I can't imagine playing several episodes back to back during one weekend.

I think their strength lies in the arcady nature that allows jumping in and out of the game without any problems.
So far this weekend:

The Witcher
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Age of Decadence

and for the rest of the weekend I might just continue Witcher or try to complete the last update of the Solus Project which is one of the big surprises of the year for me, best exploration game I've played in a long time with an amazing atmosphere to boot
Currently, I am playing Doom 4 on nightmare difficulty and it is fantastic. With that said, after this is done, I am likely going to start the Witcher series which I am super excited about!
My list is as follows:

1. Goliath. Because I can't resist crafting games for too long.
2. Bedlam is next up for a couple of rounds. Far too few sci0fi games out there.
3. Victor Vran or Guild Wars 2 for the whole night afterwards :P Depends on the company.
I'll be playiong Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition as part of a massive run going through Siege of Dragonspear and Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition.

I'll be doing it again afterwards with a different character/party configuration while I wait for GOG to get Devil Daggers on here already (or Bunker Punks on its In Development section).
Navagon: Doom. I'm not normally someone who pre-orders, but I got it damn near half price and, well it's Doom, isn't it? Bloody good so far...
Where did you get it half price?
witcher 3

far cry 4

I play games REAL slow.
My weekend list:

Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Lords of the Realm 1
Eye of the Beholder
witchers always of course and just cause 3 just new bought it :)
Mostly plan to play heroes of might and magic 3 complete,looks like it will take some time to beat it and also playing gothic 3 so nothing else,except if i will get back to saints row 3.
Came here for some inspiration and while I still did not made up my mind i discovered some games I did not know and will be added to my "queue".

Especially I was remembered of "The Eye of the Beholder" which I did not buy yet for some weird reason :)

My WE game will probably be Stardew valley.

Little time and really tired so need something to relax with not requiring too much of my brain power :)
Well I"m actually working this weekend, but if I do have some time it will most certainly be with Evil Genius and 1849, and maybe some Saints Row 2.