thelastjedijum: Is there any way you could talk me through installing the pdp xbox controller to use in sensible soccer. I bought the game. bought the controller and now cant use it. I'm useless with the keys lol. id really appreciate a step by step for dummies. I tried the keymapper. went into the game and still no controller output. I only want to play sensible 96/97 so...
ok so I plugged in the controller. windows recognised it as an xbox one pad. great. downloaded the game and tried the keymapper. went into the game and no movement or buttons worked. same with my hori ps4. the game is great and works with keys but im useless with them. any ideas. is there a step by step dummies guide to this. its jargon to me and im tearing my hair out lol.
teceem: Using X-padder with an XBOX (X-input) controller: - Download here: - Here's a guide: To play it with an 8bitdo SN30Pro+: Hold START for 7-8 seconds to turn off the controller.
Press the desired face button and START for the next input mode.
X + START : Xinput mode, for PC
Y + START : Switch mode
B + START : Dinput mode, for Android devices or PC
A + START : MacOS mode, for Apple computers (NOT PHONES/TABLETS)
1) Open up the game folder (by default "C:\GOG Games\Sensible World of Soccer 96-97")
2) Open the file dosbox_SWOS_single.conf in Notepad.
3) Add the line "install.exe" (without quotes) between "cls" and "english.exe"
4) Open the file dosbox_SWOS.conf in Notepad.
5) Change the line "timed=true" to "timed=false"
6) Save the modified config files and close them.
7) Start the game using the usual link. Don't use the French, German or Italian links in the start menu - you will have the opportunity to change your language).
8) Go to "configure", "control", "joystick and keyboard" to activate. Also change your language from this menu if you're so inclined. You will also need to calibrate your joypad, and DOSBox is a bit sluggish doing this with the default config.
9) Save the settings and exit. The game will then start automatically with joystick support.
Thanks guys. this is a biut of a minefield to me but ill do m,y best and try to get used to it. Thanks for your help