Posted November 11, 2016
Hi, I'm trying to find an old game I used to play. was surprised I couldn't find a thread that groups up these kind of requests so I figured i'd make a thread.
it was a co-op top-down-"shooter" game with just one screen, you were some kid(s) throwing stuff at other kids.
before each round you could build defenses- there was a wooden wall, a catapult that would fire rocks and a landmine type thingy (basically a line between two wooden sticks that would hurt enemies if they touch it).
every time you started the game it would have a different background, which changed the things you and your enemies throw at each other. there was a grassy setting where you threw rocks, a snowy setting where you threw snowballs, and I might recall a desert setting as well, with sandballs maybe?
the basic enemies were normal kids, and I remember some kids had different colored shirts and would take more hits to kill. in later stages big red cars would spawn and really just drive over your defenses and destroy them in a second.
I think it might have had power ups but I don't fully recall what they did.
I believe I played it around 10 to 15 years ago maybe? its not really a "classic" which might appear in the store, pretty sure it was some indie game developed by one guy, because the sprites weren't really that well drawn, and the resolution was bad.
I feel the chances of someone knowing it are really slim, but have my hopes up.
thanks in advance!
it was a co-op top-down-"shooter" game with just one screen, you were some kid(s) throwing stuff at other kids.
before each round you could build defenses- there was a wooden wall, a catapult that would fire rocks and a landmine type thingy (basically a line between two wooden sticks that would hurt enemies if they touch it).
every time you started the game it would have a different background, which changed the things you and your enemies throw at each other. there was a grassy setting where you threw rocks, a snowy setting where you threw snowballs, and I might recall a desert setting as well, with sandballs maybe?
the basic enemies were normal kids, and I remember some kids had different colored shirts and would take more hits to kill. in later stages big red cars would spawn and really just drive over your defenses and destroy them in a second.
I think it might have had power ups but I don't fully recall what they did.
I believe I played it around 10 to 15 years ago maybe? its not really a "classic" which might appear in the store, pretty sure it was some indie game developed by one guy, because the sprites weren't really that well drawn, and the resolution was bad.
I feel the chances of someone knowing it are really slim, but have my hopes up.
thanks in advance!
Post edited November 11, 2016 by JellyBeam