Nirth: I think here's the problem. I haven't played the game but I'm going to guess here that it's possible that is intentional. It's not about variety of weapons, graphics, story, characters, cars, enjoyment of killing or even highscore.
It's about hatred and killing innocent people. Hatred is about hatred, pure and simple.
In fact, if I play this game and I feel awful about it (I don't think that it will happen simply because I'm aware that it's a game) the developers have done their job. Most games are made for entertainment values, this one doesn't seem to be. I like the change since there's more to the gaming medium than fun.
I'm the first one who's going to agree about games needing to strive to be more than just fun, and I do like the use of word 'appealing' instead. But that's just the thing - I don't think there's anything appealing about Hatred either. I generally think it does a bad job of passing the message along. There's nothing which would connect you to those pople you are killing, there's nothing that would cause you to feel hatred towards them. Better stylization might have helped, or approaching the game from another angle entirely. Nonetheless, as it stands, you're erasing a bunch of characterless polygons which you have absolutely no need to feel sorry about. Or anything, for that matter. The game isn't constructed in such a way which would evoke such feelings, aside from random shouts of pedestrians as you're killing them, which I find to be a direly lacking approach. And the writing is terrible, so it's not like you're going to get chills down your spine as the main character proclaims his hatred - he's mostly funny. Unless the message is supposed to be apathy towards violence, in which case, well done I guess.
Fenixp: (Especially gorilla. Eh? Gorilla warfare? Eh?)
Grargar: Natural conclusion.
that's a trailer they should have used.
Tracido: Thank you, btw. :) This is why they sent them out early to catch all final bugs, and they've been busy fixing them for the day one patch.
Which makes me think that, perhaps, GOG will release it when it gets patched up properly. The technical side is really not great. The game has potential to be fun if more work goes into it, perhaps some content DLC as well.