JKHSawyer: What happens to this character at the end? Does he just shoot himself? Congrats you beat the game? Does he go to prison perhaps? Will we see the consequences of his actions? Will he learn anything? Perhaps there will be a twist?
In the trailer he says he wants to die and before he does, take as many with him as he can. Honestly, after reading about how the developers want to make a statement: I'd be willing to bet that if there's an end twist, it's gonna be some pimple-faced teenager on a computer and that he was only playing a game all this time.
JKHSawyer: This is the type of game that, when done wrong, can very well damage the art form we all love and enjoy. Video games. I can only hope the developer knows what they're doing...
I think you might be exaggerating. At worst, the game will be quickly forgotten if it's not good. The people shouting about the connection between video games and real life violence already have their minds fixated on GTA and Manhunt. I think any new game might simply fly under their radars. Even if it doesn't: I'm not sure an indie game, that's mostly about mindless violence, is going to damage any art forms. There have been tons of violent (indie) games in the past, and they haven't damaged anything.