DCT: Funny enough the same thing was said when Linden Labs sold Desura to their current owner.
LeonardoCornejo: And correct me if I am wrong, but Linden Labs bought it too right? Desrua might be cursed.
yes Liden Labs bought Desura back in 2013 and sold it to Bad Juju in 2014 and six months later Bad Juju files for bankruptcy. So you may be right, but I think it's more of a case of Desura just not getting a strong enough hold in the marketplace or not being able to stay competitive since for a long time they were the store where indies who couldn't get accepted by Valve back when Steam was still heavily curated could go and sell their games without having to make a website, find a way to handle orders, distribute the games, get updates out to customers, try to get the game name out there and stir up possible interest, ect.
But now that Steam is not really curated and even if you can't by some reason or another get on Steam directly you could always go Greenlight. Plus with Steam having opened up to "early access titles" which also was a market held by Desura for a long time as was Linux which two of the lager stores GOG and Steam suppourt. It kinda made Desura a bit more pointless as a store for most devs since why spend your time releasing on Desura to such a small customer base and dealing with the hassles of their system, I heard a few devs complain about how backwards things can be on Desura when it comes to putting the games up for sale and patch distribution. When Steam and it's massive customer base and easier system has become easier to get your stuff on?
I'm honestly surprised Desura lasted as long as it did, on the plus side they outlasted Impulse, Gametap, Direct 2 drive and Games for Windows Live.
I'm honestly wondering who maybe the next Store to possibly close up shop? Gamersgate, Greenman, Playism?