TheMonkofDestiny: I wonder if the news has reached Dr. Boycott... I mean, Rhodes, yet.
DrBoycott needed to wake up, smell the coffee, eat breakfast, start his day reading updates to his mountain of tabs within an ocean of browser windows. I have six update flags so far. Looks at first glance they are things I've already updated after learning about them from other sources, however, some, like "AI War 2" can upgrade several times a week.
It's good that gog finally got around to fixing this, but I'm still very concerned about the lack of communication from gog. My support ticket shows no activity as of yet, but no doubt they'll handle that ... in another couple of months.
Edit: Up to ten update flags, half of the four new ones look like retro-flags, but the other two are either new changes or older changes. I won't be actually updating anything until much later.
Edit of the edit: 26 update flags and I think it's not done yet.
Edit of the edited edit: 46 update flags. The gog "gift" which keeps on giving.