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bad_fur_day1: I don't remember any dragons in Bloodlines. Werewolves, vampires and monsters mostly.
djdarko: Weird, is there a part at all where you go up a building onto the roof to fight something?
That somehow reminded me of the third broken sword game...
hyperagathon: they actually worked in that "insight of the insane" thing in places.
True. I know no other game where the devs/designers did get this right.
hyperagathon: Never said otherwise, just wanted to minimize spoilerization. You fight him if you side against the Camarilla. He is the Prince's bodyguard, after all. Unless perhaps you go to the Tremere primogen and complain about what a bad boy the Prince has been - or so I would think, I haven't tried that.

I found the gargoyle rather easy with both the Tremere and the Gangrel. It was faster with the Gangrel, but I also died a few times, while the Tremere chipped him to death from afar.

I actually started the game as a Malkavian. I went with the Ultima-style character creation, as I wanted to see the questions, got a Malkavian, and then I just couldn't stop playing. Finished Santa Monica, and only then restarted.
In retrospect, the dialogue as a Malkavian is brilliant. Not only is it appropriately loopy, but they actually worked in that "insight of the insane" thing in places. My only complaint is the somewhat difficult to read font.
Ah yes, spoilers. Well, too little too late for that now.
As the Prince clearly betrayed the Camarilla, I consider "siding with Strauss and the rest" = "siding with the Camarilla" and as a Tremere I considered it logical to go with the Regent; after all, if you are a Tremere, you have to fit in the Pyramid - or be killed eventually. Since I didn't get any other endings, I don't know if you fight the Sheriff in other cases.
Yep, I went Blood Strike all the way with the Gargoyle and managed to keep my character aliv... undead through the whole fight, but that took quite some running and dodging.
I started a Malkavian character, went all "WTF's he saying???" and quit. Someday I'll see this loony's side of the story to the end. I wonder if his ghoul will sound as crazy as he does.
I've played through the game more than ten times, so yeah, I've beaten it :D
Yes, of course. Love everything about the game. The atmosphere and the ending especially. Ocean hotel is dreadfully eerie and the game has several good jump scares.
deathknight1728: I usually just stop playing once I reach 3rd town. I like to start over with another race. Must have gotten up to 3rd town two dozen times.
Yes, I've beaten VtM:B. It isn't hard, you can do it, too. Just belief in yourself.
I've beaten the game twice. First when the game was relatively new, and again three or four years ago. Both times with the Malkavian race.

Around the 2nd time I beat the game, I also experimented with the Nossie, but I don't think I got further than Santa Monica (lack of further interest since I had just finished the game)
I've played it like 15 times, with and without mods. I would recommend to play it till the end and have different endings because there are a lot of these guys, two of them, where you can side with Camarilla or Anarchs, one is the most satisfying (imo) and the last three of them are.... kinda unexpected. And there is also a global mod Clan-Quest Mod, where you can have an additional ending, which is also cool, you can side with the Sabbath and it takes a different approach to your character's moral path.
The game is really worth playing it till the end, even if the gameplay is a bit tedious in the end, the story is still awesome.