Posted March 15, 2020

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Ewiges Nichts::::: Traum oder Erwachen
Registered: Oct 2016
From Germany
Posted March 15, 2020
Thanks for the game again. It was confusing, but also fun.
@all: I wasn't mad/sour/frustrated/whatever, but thoroughly confused and just glad I got put out of my misery. I realized too late, that it was a mistake to just try to play it without observing first to get an understanding of the mechanics and stuff. Also I only have spare free time, so that made it even worse. I'm sorry about that.
It still was fun. So thanks for that.
Microfish_1: I feel badly about Flocke's early departure from this game. I thought he picked up on something several times. I am interested in knowing what he and RW saw but didn't say... I saw things that weren't there. My first post in the observer thread summs it up pretty much.
gogtrial34987: @Flocke: I hope you'll still look in and the experience you had didn't sour you too much on giving mafia another try. The attention to detail you've shown can be an extremely valuable skill when playing mafia (on either side). You need to have some experience with playing to use it effectively and figure out what's significant and what isn't, so hopefully you'll stick around until you have that. Making things up that aren't there is a valuable skill? :-P First time a get to hear something like this. You are too kind. :-)
You certainly gave my brain lots of bad ideas to run away with. :-D It was fun, at least for me. Not your fault it also made me feel overwhelmed. My brain just hates me sometimes.
@all: I wasn't mad/sour/frustrated/whatever, but thoroughly confused and just glad I got put out of my misery. I realized too late, that it was a mistake to just try to play it without observing first to get an understanding of the mechanics and stuff. Also I only have spare free time, so that made it even worse. I'm sorry about that.
It still was fun. So thanks for that.

You certainly gave my brain lots of bad ideas to run away with. :-D It was fun, at least for me. Not your fault it also made me feel overwhelmed. My brain just hates me sometimes.

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted March 15, 2020

In lieu of observing a game first (which I agree would've been beneficial to do), it can also work to just read a few previously finished mafia games (see a list here). You'll miss some information about timing, but will still get a good sense about the general flow.

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 15, 2020

As for me....i'll likely get roped in, I have nothing much else to do anyways.
Aside: And with the world as it is atm, I am expecting we'll have a bunch more people to join in for the next few games. o.0

It still was fun. So thanks for that.
Post edited March 15, 2020 by GameRager

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2020

/high fives, low fives, side-to-side, back-to-back, belly-bump-jump, whoo!
Ooooh you really boiled my potatoes with that 'drop the ball' comment. My biggest disappointment of the game is ONCE AGAIN failing to get lifthrasil lynched. Ah well. I'm sure I'll manage it in game #65...

I hope you do play with us again! My brain has got me into some dire situations in mafia games before, but that's the fun of it!
Good game! Well done on your universally-scumread-for-no-reason status! It is a much-coveted title :)

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2020

There was a point where we thought it might be a good idea to keep you around for a bit longer to get Lift lynched etc., but I think your fate was pretty pretty much sealed once you claimed for realz.
Post edited March 16, 2020 by SirPrimalform

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2020

Still, claiming was immensely fun.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2020

Still, claiming was immensely fun.
I'm assuming you were actually trying to hit scum when you NK me. Were you giving the scumhunting a rest because it would take ages for you to NK everyone by yourself?

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil
Posted March 16, 2020

It would have helped you if you had picked up on my lie like ZFR said, but that can't be what you were saying, is it? You wrote this before ZFR revealed how you could end the game earlier.

You did a great job holding as long as you could, almost making it to D7.
It's easy for me to say, but I think on D6 saying you were blocked was better than saying you followed agent. Even saying you followed Lift would have been a good gambit seeing how no kill happened. Though who knows.
Regarding your Tracker claim, you could have left the number of shots left vague on purpose (like Joe did) which is something Town do (then on later days you could see how it goes and either claim you tracked someone or claim you were limited shot). Even after claiming full Tracker on D4, on D5 you could have said that you're out of shots but you didn't mention it earlier to soad the NK.
But regardless, it was a tough position to be in.
"We need another mislynch. Well let's see who's the next townie in the suspicion chart and gently push the others to suspect them a bit more..."
Besides, they are useful to cement suspicions over those who are already suspected, like Yogs was, but they don't help find those that fly under the radar like I did most of the game. Carradice had me figured out in the observer thread, not because of the chart but because he noticed I was trying not to clear anyone i.e. plain old scumhunting.
About claiming anything instead of following Agent, I don't know. It's possible it would work better, but honestly I couldn't walk out of that corner I painted myself into without getting some dirt onto myself no matter what.
Post edited March 16, 2020 by joppo

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted March 16, 2020

Also, scumminess of a person is not an independent event. Consider for example two people, both acted scummy but if one is scum the other is most certainly town and vice-versa, but for the moment I can't tell which one of them would it be. What score should I give them? Both 3 for being scummy? Both 5 for being in the scum-town relationship? Analysis of the results of the charts won't show this relation.
Oh yeah, one more thing against agent that I just remembered. When it was obvious the "main characters" Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't in play, it wasn't unreasonable to assume that the same is for Slytherin: Draco isn't in play; especially with Pansy, a bit of a minor character appearing in play. So the third Slytherin character could have been... Crabbe; which is what agent claimed.
Post edited March 16, 2020 by ZFR

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2020
Thing is, because of the lack of kill you could easily have claimed to have tracked anyone and it wouldn't have cleared them. That was literally one of the reasons for skipping the kill. :P

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil
Posted March 16, 2020

Also, if he had claimed to be blocked or otherwise no result last night that would have been better and confirmed him as town for me. All in all an exceptional run for a first-time-in-a-long-time player.
I thought about throwing a random guess out there in my first post but decided against it. I will only do it in observer threads from now on.