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monkeydelarge: And now you are a slaving away for little money, have no free time to yourself and 100000 responsibilities and tons of stress.


It seems to me like GWJ is some kind of cult full of gamers who think because they have jobs, they are better than unemployed gamers. LOL
Tallima: Ahhhhhhhhhhh kids. They'll do it to you. But still worth it. I hope. :-P
Yeah, kids are worth it.
monkeydelarge: It seems to me like GWJ is some kind of cult full of gamers who think because they have jobs, they are better than unemployed gamers. LOL
And like any good cult they seem to have infiltrated everywhere.
Hello Goodjersworld!

Well, same handle here and on the gwj's forum.

I have added those I did recognize. Add me !
kojovinka may add me
Rallick, on GWJ. All my friends, friend me please (friend). Friend?

I hadn't heard of the site before, but looks like something I've been seeking out for a while! GOG forums tend to skew towards similar demographics I think, which is why I think I enjoy spending time here. Nice to find another gaming community with an older userbase.