...And stay out!! *claps hands*
Oh, wait, it's still here, though? Bummer.
For ANYONE asking how GWENT could work without connection, trying to say it's not DRM, etc, I invite you to check out GOG's "sister site", FCKDRM.com, which has a very nice compare/contrast graph showing the difference between DRM and DRM-free media. Let me know using the graph there, as to which category GWENT belongs.
Look I'm sure it's a fine enough game for those into the genre. I just don't think what is effectively a DRMed game belongs on a DRM-free store. Say what you will about the games here that have DRM-free singleplayer yet effectively DRMed multiplayer...I'd argue logically they don't belong here either, but at least they're accessible without a connection. GWENT should be sold directly on CDPR website, on Scheme, on mobile, on anywhere BUT a platform that claims to be a DRM-free store. Its presence here is cause for a lack of consumer confidence.
In addition this may seem a stretch but I blame GWENT for why Cyberpunk PC "can't" be exclusively sold here on GOG:
In an alternate reality, had Thronebreaker been designed as a "mini-Witcher" entry, it could have garnered more sales and remained exclusive itself, thus bringing more customers in and building up hype for Cyberpunk as the GOAT game. Unfortunately, Thronebreaker was more of a tepid release and designed around GWENT mechanics; apparently it even comes bundled with GWENT the game itself in your library (the latter is why I have yet to buy Thronebreaker even on deep discount).
Post edited May 21, 2020 by rjbuffchix