Leroux: Just a heads-up, if you're searching for the Eye of the Beholder series and Dungeon Hack on GOG, you won't find them under these titles, they're hidden as "Forgotten Realms: The Archive - Collection One" and "Collection Three".
Note that the games in Collection Two (Pool of Radiance series) are also grid based first person outside of combat (but turn into a strategy game (like in a TRPG) when combat starts), so that might be an option as well. If you like it, there's also the Krynn series, which does show up on a search for "krynn".
(Of course, the games do inherit many of the faults of 1ed AD&D, including attacks missing a lot and HP beign low at first, racial level limits (making many race/class combinations useless, especially bad in Pools of Darkness), and the sexist limit on female strength.)
(Also, did somebody mention Might and Magic 1-5 yet in this topic? While less dungeon crawley, these games would likely still be good choices for the OP.)
Edit: Actually, there's one exception in Collection Two: Hillsfar, which is a very different game. But, that's only one game out of the collection of 8, and I don't think anybody buys the whole collection just for that one game.
park_84: Dragon Wars, which is also on GOG.
I've played it and enjoyed it, and while the game is first person grid based with turn-based combat, it feels less dungeon-crawley than other similar looking games. The game has less of an emphasis on dungeon crawling and fighting enemies for XP and loot (enemies don't ever drop any items), and more of an emphasis on exploration and (adventure-game style) puzzle solving (though fortunately the puzzle solving event isn't hard, and there are sometimes even multiple solutions to some of them).
(One tip: if you happen to run across an item called Golden Boots, don't ever get rid of them, or the game becomes unwinnable and you will have to restart (though fortunately you get to keep your levels, stats, and spells, but not items if you do need to restart. Also, Druid Magic is *mandatory* (though there is an alternate way to get ahold of it).)