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Thanks for all the fish...
Raf..: gog supports linux fine.
By not having an official Linux version of Galaxy or API support for Linux, which is the main reason we're not getting native Linux versions of so many games that have them on "that other store", a fact stated by at least some of the devs involved?

Just because compatibility layers have come a long way on Linux doesn't mean GOG gets any points here...
Raf..: gog supports linux fine.
No, they really could do better. Missing versions, slow updates, nonexistant ease of updates, getting shafted in some releases...

But yeah, OP. Your problem was buying a 1000$+ email checking machine that wants to be a bespoke product; you bought something running the bastard stepchild of Unix, mostly supported by a cult of personality around a now dead person. Thankfully, you can salvage this situation by installing Linux.

Some might call that an irreversible operation, but you can make Linux just as much if not more of a padded cell than Macs are. Trust me, Gnome is practically a toddler's toy in terms of UI!
WinterSnowfall: Just because compatibility layers have come a long way on Linux doesn't mean GOG gets any points here...
Especially since GOG has contributed diddly & squat back to the community/codebases at large.
Post edited November 25, 2023 by Darvond
Raf..: gog supports linux fine.
Darvond: No, they really could do better. Missing versions, slow updates, nonexistant ease of updates, getting shafted in some releases...

But yeah, OP. Your problem was buying a 1000$+ email checking machine that wants to be a bespoke product; you bought something running the bastard stepchild of Unix, mostly supported by a cult of personality around a now dead person. Thankfully, you can salvage this situation by installing Linux.

Some might call that an irreversible operation, but you can make Linux just as much if not more of a padded cell than Macs are. Trust me, Gnome is practically a toddler's toy in terms of UI!
WinterSnowfall: Just because compatibility layers have come a long way on Linux doesn't mean GOG gets any points here...
Darvond: Especially since GOG has contributed diddly & squat back to the community/codebases at large.
Excuse me!!!!! Steve may be dead but we follow a new master, Elon Musk, because we need someone to be our tech. dictator!!! /laughes

At least Jobs, even though he may be a Sociopath for moving jobs out of the US, he was more innovative. The iPhone was a truly notable leap forward in a phone but iPad no. Steve knew tablets needed to cost under $1000 for mass market adoption, I could see that as well as a train bearing down on a car on the train tracks. I mean that was super obvious and it was the height of idiocy that Fujitsu didn't jump in early under $1000,
Zarax999: So please don't let the door hit you on your way out and remember you can use your overpriced toy because Bill was forced to rescue Steve in 1997...
Funny you put it that way. The reson he was 'forced to rescue Steve' in 1997 was because he did some things that were wildly, ridiculously illegal, and both Apple and the FTC were breathing down his neck. (Speaking as someone who was there at the time, the Wikipedia page on the San Francisco Canyon Company rather understates the case.)

I'm sure that sort of thing doesn't matter to you, or you wouldn't be talking like you are. But let's not pretend that MS did it out of the goodness of their hearts, shall we?
Zarax999: GOG means Good Old Games,
Breja: What's the weather like in 2011? Oh, who am I kidding, no matter what the weather is like, I envy you being there anyway.

Anyway, if someone is going to use a client, I don't know why you bother with GOG. So leaving sounds like a solid idea. Cheers, godspeed, good luck, we're all counting on you.
Did you just... not read what I said?

Almost none of the Mac software sold on GoG has Universal versions. It's all Intel, almost exclusively. What on earth does that have to do with using a client?
Heh, yes, this is more or less the reaction I expected from the folks who read the forums here. "Clearly Macs are not the thing that I like, and therefore they are not the thing that anybody should like, so why are you using one?"

I honestly don't understand why you folks have this odd compulsion to comment on threads about people with Macs wanting to play the games that they, y'know, bought, but I guess it's a better hobby than torturing kittens or voting for Republicans, so go right ahead.
Post edited November 25, 2023 by adam_lang
high rated
Well, you know, Apple is trying its best to wall off every outside application it can and wants all its customers to be using their store on their machines. Proprietary is their passion, mate. The few devs left who even want to bother with the Apple OS either don't release on GOG, or they don't want to update their products on GOG.

So if you want stick with poisoned apples, then for sure GOG isn't going to be the place for you.

Any other person passionate about gaming would already have a Windows or Linux PC (or even a steam deck or other portable). Mac simply isn't for playing anything but what Apple wants you to play.
Post edited November 25, 2023 by Braggadar
Sarang: -snip-
I do wonder what the alternate universe is like where BeOs instead of NextSTEP was the chosen one.
adam_lang: Almost none of the Mac software sold on GoG has Universal versions. It's all Intel, almost exclusively. What on earth does that have to do with using a client?
Heh, yes, this is more or less the reaction I expected from the folks who read the forums here. "Clearly Macs are not the thing that I like, and therefore they are not the thing that anybody should like, so why are you using one?"
Imagine this: GOG has been around a short while. At least [checks notes] a decade. We're talking long enough ago that people were still feeling the transition from PPC to x86.

Would you want to go though the 1469+ Mac games on GOG, and ask everyone to recompile their binaries for a new arbitrary target? There's a few problems with that.

A) Many of the libraries used won't exist.
B) Some of the games were compiled with obsolete security libraries and may need audited again or have their multiplayer component gutted.
C) Many of the developers would demand a large sum to do the translation because the time spent on such a conversion is time not making a new game.
D) Many of the developers no longer exist which may make the problem slightly more existential.
E) There is no guarantee that Apple won't get bored with this venture and veer in another panic of complacency.
F) As the software is currently functional on the hardware though a trivial translation layer, GOG may feel no need to go though steps A-D.
G) This is more than the first time that Apple has arbitarily changed how installations are packaged.
high rated
Rather than blame $3 trillion company Apple for burning their bridges on their CPU spec and dropping Rosetta and the devpubs who have the resources to simply upload their macOS games as PKGs here that can be easily downloaded by offline installers, you're going to blame and punish a small gaming store with little leverage instead?

Don't you think your blame is a little misguided? You're assuming GOG has way more resources than they actually do have.
adam_lang: The reson he was 'forced to rescue Steve' in 1997 was because he did some things that were wildly, ridiculously illegal
Correct, Microsoft got caught red-handed stealing Quicktime code, and had to settle with Apple. Apple still had a couple $billion at the time, and the Microsoft settlement wasn't really that financially relevant. They would have gone under eventually if they hadn't rescued themselves by ditching their bad product line and coming out with stuff people actually wanted to buy, starting with the iMac.
I honestly don't understand why you folks have this odd compulsion to comment on threads about people with Macs
Ignorance, insecurity, mental illness, or some combination. Normal people just skip by stuff that doesn't have any relevance to them.
Almost none of the Mac software sold on GoG has Universal versions. It's all Intel, almost exclusively. What on earth does that have to do with using a client?
Er, it was you who said:
A game shipped by GOG run much more slowly and poorly than the same game shipped by Steam, if it's launched from Galaxy on any Mac made in the last three years.
So you could, as I already recommended, just not use Galaxy if it's somehow causing this issue (which seems odd, but let's just assume it's true). You could still use it for updates, and launch games from the desktop. Or use offline installers.
Because of this. developers aren't incentivized to release Universal binaries on GOG. This means that many of the games out there that have Apple Silicon versions on Steam don't on GOG. Pay the same amount, get an inferior product.
Yeah, that's simply not true. Apple Silicon has nothing to do with anything here; GOG generally has the same Mac versions as Steam, except in those cases where the games are outdated for all systems (including Windows). GOG just publishes what developers give them; they're not sitting there stripping universal binaries while cackling evilly or anything. If you want proof, look at the attachment. If you have any examples of Mac games that have universal binaries that are on Steam but not on GOG, I'd like to see them.
high rated
adam_lang: I just can't justify the terrible experience of being a Mac GOG user any more.
So why not buy a PC then? Seems like that's by far the best solution.

GOG's lack of support for Mac isn't a GOG problem; rather, it's a gaming-industry-wide problem.
Post edited November 25, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
It's ironic that this thread should appear right after they have updated The Witcher and The Witcher 2 for Mac.

Bye dood.
OldFatGuy: A lot of people PREFER clients.
Why would said people even buy games from GOG? For the DRM-controlled kind of experience they are looking for, there are much better stores out there.
adam_lang: Did you just... not read what I said?

Almost none of the Mac software sold on GoG has Universal versions. It's all Intel, almost exclusively. What on earth does that have to do with using a client?
You kept mentioning Galaxy, and said that games work "more slowly and poorly than the same game shipped by Steam, if it's launched from Galaxy" so I assumed you are using Galaxy. I guess I misunderstood and you were talking about it purely theoretically. My bad.
Post edited November 25, 2023 by Breja
OldFatGuy: A lot of people PREFER clients.
vv221: Why would said people even buy games from GOG? For the DRM-controlled kind of experience they are looking for, there are much better stores out there.
He was never going to be happy without a firm hand errrr client.