adam_lang: The reson he was 'forced to rescue Steve' in 1997 was because he did some things that were wildly, ridiculously illegal
Correct, Microsoft got caught red-handed stealing Quicktime code, and had to settle with Apple. Apple still had a couple $billion at the time, and the Microsoft settlement wasn't really that financially relevant. They would have gone under eventually if they hadn't rescued themselves by ditching their bad product line and coming out with stuff people actually wanted to buy, starting with the iMac.
I honestly don't understand why you folks have this odd compulsion to comment on threads about people with Macs
Ignorance, insecurity, mental illness, or some combination. Normal people just skip by stuff that doesn't have any relevance to them.
Almost none of the Mac software sold on GoG has Universal versions. It's all Intel, almost exclusively. What on earth does that have to do with using a client?
Er, it was you who said:
A game shipped by GOG run much more slowly and poorly than the same game shipped by Steam, if it's launched from Galaxy on any Mac made in the last three years.
So you could, as I already recommended, just not use Galaxy if it's somehow causing this issue (which seems odd, but let's just assume it's true). You could still use it for updates, and launch games from the desktop. Or use offline installers.
Because of this. developers aren't incentivized to release Universal binaries on GOG. This means that many of the games out there that have Apple Silicon versions on Steam don't on GOG. Pay the same amount, get an inferior product.
Yeah, that's simply not true. Apple Silicon has nothing to do with anything here; GOG generally has the same Mac versions as Steam, except in those cases where the games are outdated for all systems (including Windows). GOG just publishes what developers give them; they're not sitting there stripping universal binaries while cackling evilly or anything. If you want proof, look at the attachment. If you have any examples of Mac games that have universal binaries that are on Steam but not on GOG, I'd like to see them.