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Potato and egg, Oh wait... Wrong community, Oh to hell with it.

Potato and egg bake


600g desiree potatoes, cut into 2cm pieces
1 red onion, chopped
80g pancetta, chopped
200g cherry tomatoes
olive oil cooking spray
1 tablespoon thyme leaves
4 eggs

Step 1
Preheat oven to 190°C. Combine potatoes, onion, pancetta and tomatoes in a bowl. Stir to combine. Divide mixture between four 4cm-deep, 10cm x 15cm (base) ovenproof ramekins. Spray tops with oil. Bake, turning the mixture twice, for 40 to 50 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Step 2
Remove from oven. Sprinkle with thyme. Using a spoon, make 1 hole in the centre of each mixture.
Step 3
Carefully break 1 egg into each hole. Return to oven and bake for 10 minutes or until eggwhites have just set. Season with salt and cracked black pepper. Serve.
Post edited June 26, 2018 by fr33kSh0w2012
low rated
Breja: Did this guy return to GOG only to reply to a two year old post and be totally wrong? :D
It seems he did, and I thought that was crazy at first, and then I realized ... like I was shot ... like I was shot with a diamond ... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God ... the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure.
Skabb15: Now you can argue that its still on steam, and I can argue that they ended up having to drop all enforcement for it to be there. You know how many games on steam were never even removed and put back? Almost every one. So you go ahead and think you are hurting my feelings. The only reason that I even know this post still exists is because a pathetic GoG fanboy who cant take reality linked it in another post. So, did you really just reply to a two year old post to try and bully a grown man who has nothing but contempt for you all? Yes, yes you did. I couldnt believe it at first but then I looked again and saw that yes, this pathetic prick is still upset about something I said two years ago that is absolutely true. Please, come back angrily trying to insult me. MAybe I will see it in another two years after youve managed to round up three people to agree with you and make you think that because there are a whole three of you, you couldnt possibly be full of it.
The troll doth protest too much, methinks.
GR00T: It seems he did, and I thought that was crazy at first, and then I realized ... like I was shot ... like I was shot with a diamond ... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God ... the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure.
Skabb15: Please, come back angrily trying to insult me. MAybe I will see it in another two years after youve managed to round up three people to agree with you and make you think that because there are a whole three of you, you couldnt possibly be full of it.
Are you suggesting that only three people own and play Huniepop?

Pretty sure I can prove you wrong right here and now. :D
Post edited June 26, 2018 by tinyE
tinyE: I remember when....ummmmmm.....what was I talking about?
Cavenagh: You remember when you had over 700+ rep :P
I remember when I had 400+ rep :(
Skabb15: ------- 8<
The only reason that I even know this post still exists is because a pathetic GoG fanboy who cant take reality linked it in another post ------- 8< I looked again and saw that yes, this pathetic prick is still upset about something I said two years ago that is absolutely true. Please, come back angrily trying to insult me. MAybe I will see it in another two years after youve managed to round up three people to agree with you and make you think that because there are a whole three of you, you couldnt possibly be full of it.
He's got a point. As a casual observer and inconsistent participant in this forum from waaaaaay back, I feel confident in the statement that it's not an inaccurate estimate of there being no more than about 20 people maximum (and that's being generous) who are zany Cheers like regulars here. So yeah, three people make a major parliamentary party around here.
Fairfox: ...
o wait this is mean threadie
Cheer up old girl ;D
Post edited June 27, 2018 by initialpresence
Fairfox: ...
o wait this is mean threadie
u r a meanie. u said a poopie word. i'm tellin!
low rated
Skabb15: ... Looks like I was right, superman.
TinyE is superman!? Why didn't you tell us before?
OP is from march 2016. What s this necro about?
Gekko_Dekko: OP is from march 2016. What s this necro about?
OP necroed it himself just to go 'neener neener' at tinyE, then proceeded to get all bent out of shape and pull the 'you guys are pathetic, I'm a grown man and you all are a bunch of GOG fanbois' when we pointed out how ridiculous his reason was to necro the thread. Seems odd behavior for a supposed grown man who has contempt for us all.

*edit* See his necro post here:
Post edited June 27, 2018 by GR00T
Skabb15: ... Looks like I was right, superman.
DOWL: TinyE is superman!? Why didn't you tell us before?
My cape is at the cleaners.