krugos2: -
Another World: The graphics (especially close ups) look dated, but the game remains as good as ever.
Leroux: Oh, that's another game I could have listed. Curiously enough, I would have said quite the opposite and considered it overrated from today's perspective. I still think it's somewhat stylish and original with the setting, but to me the gameplay turned out to be even worse than I remembered it. It's all just trial and error, memorizing what to do and what to avoid and then execute it perfectly without any margin for errors. After I gave up on it, I watched the rest of the game on YouTube, and the second half also seemed very bland and unimaginative compared to the promising beginning, lots of long empty corridors or tunnels to crawl through, very few exciting alien landscapes and creatures.
I fully agree with your view on LucasArts adventures though (with the exception of from Escape from Monkey Island, but that wasn't very good back then either).
Yes, I understand how it can be frustrating since it's not an easy game. The trial and error part, however, is a common element of the subgenre of cinematic platform games, like the original Prince of Persia and more recent games like Limbo and Inside. Prince of Persia was even more frustrating, since you had a limited amount of time to complete it.
Also I wouldn't call the second half of the game unimaginative, it may seem somewhat bland compared to more modern games, but it was actually really creative for its time, things like swimming, getting into the tank/machine at the arena and being wounded and crawling at the end made for some game mechanics variety that wasn't common in those days. Also the many ways in which you kill some of the enemies was very creative. As for the narrative, I think it was really cool how the friendly alien story keeps progressing in the background until the ending and how the whole story is told without words (except for some bits on the intro).
I completely agree about Escape from Monkey Island, haha, it was such a disappointing game! :)
Matewis: Interesting. Though I love all 3 (all of the 1st 5 really), civ 3 is my favorite of the 1st 3 games. Except sadly when it comes to the city and castle views. Civilization did it first, and as it turns out, the best.
Btw, you're really missing out if you haven't played Civ 4 yet. Rectify immediately :)
The problem with Civ 3 is that I didn't play it back in the day, I played it for the first time in recent years, after joining GOG, so I didn't get to play it as much as the others and there was no nostalgia attached to it. I still liked it, though.
Civ 4 has been on my wishlist for a long time, I look forward to try it eventually, it's just that there are other games I would like to play before that, so it will take a while to get there, but I certainly want to play it. :)