zeogold: Ah, heck...I know I should just be staying out of this thread and minding my own business, but out of all the things I'm able to let glide off my back, hypocrisy is the one thing that always gets my goat...
Allow me to remind all of you who are asking "Whoa! Where did all these pro-Trump states come from?!" that most of these states you're seeing are states that vote Republican anyways. Some places, it's just a given. Same way as you'd expect all the Pacific states to swing Democrat, it's natural that most of the Midwest/South states swing Republican (and go for Trump by default).
Compare the current Democrat vs. Republican map and it's almost exactly the same as the 2012 election (y'know, the one where Obama, the Democratic candidate, won?) save a couple key "swing states", which are so important because of exactly that: They're the places where, unlike the rest of the country, we have no idea how they'll vote. On top of that, a lot of the traditionally Democratic-leaning states, such as California, carry a lot of electoral votes with them.
Don't call it over until it's actually over. We already had the whole "Dewey Defeats Truman" thing to teach us why counting your eggs before they're hatched is a bad idea.
So, to summarize:
The majority of states are voting for Trump because the majority of states vote for whoever the Republican candidate is anyways (welcome to the two-party system, folks!). It's the electoral votes that matter. Wait for everything to be counted before you go do your drinking/crying/throwing trashcans through windows of innocent shopkeepers/etc.
Edit: It's also worth mentioning we've had an actor, a peanut farmer, and a freakin' male cheerleader as president in the past, so at this point, honestly, anything's game. Businessman, woman,
man with a boot on his head who promises to pass a law making everybody brush their teeth, whatever.
I love that guy! He also promised to end the nations dependence on foreign oil by "harnessing the awesome power of zombies"!