jamotide: So you think people become racists because Trump got elected? Aren't you mixing up cause and effect^^
How did you manage that interpretation? No, I mean they feel justified in acting on their views because Trump was elected.
pearnon: You're absolutely right. Trump's America has given courage to racists, what with all those peaceful, tolerant calls to kill white people, assassinate Trump and cause mayhem. And those tolerant, clearly colorblind reporters blaming, projecting and trying to shame white women and white people in general. To say nothing of those orderly, law-abiding citizens who took it upon themselves to assault people who voted Trump, in the streets, in schools, etc.
Yes, Trump's America really emboldened the racists, no doubt about it. Only not the kind of racists you were gleefully hoping for to vindicate your twisted worldview, in which you give credence to graffiti that anyone could have painted, and link to an article
that already says at least one of those claims was fabricated, all the while obliviously ignoring what is actually happening outside your window, or mendaciously trying to sweep it under the rug in hopes nobody notices. For your sake and the good of intellectual honesty, I really hope your case is the former.
I expected nothing less. Your petulant, emotional tantrums were and remain the clearest indicator of someone who can't master their emotions in the face of adversity, is not used to having their bubble burst and their worldview challenged, and will rather indulge in fantasy instead of introspection - or, failing that, incoherently roil and rage like a wounded animal, which only bespeaks the wafer-thin fragility of your position.
I don't even.
Dismember77777: Love how people can't figure out why ethic/racial groups become radical when they are endlessly attacked via the media or what have you. Thought you people were all "educated"
Great argument, would read again. 4/5