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I just wanted to say I LOVE this site..

It's like you take the games like they used to be and you make 'em better..
Like making stuff work DESPITE windows OS problems and shit..
Saves me a lotta trouble..

Yea yea..I know..sounds like kissing ur hinies....but still it's true..

Packed stuff can't be smaller while retaining (most) of the quality..
(And I'm saying most cuz I have yet to discover that the game ain't up to spec..)

bought a shitload of discounted stuff...and yes..I wait for that most cases..
(It's like a set price...I don't collect anything when I can't get it downpriced..)

Room for improvement ? ummm...yes..a below $5.00 search...but other than that..nothin so far..
Maybe something like getting the stuff that's really hard to come by, like Freelancer and Supreme Commander..
But that's for another forum I guess..

For now..KEEP IT UP !! Love the work...

PLZ: No nagging in this thread...only words of praise other than simple "Yes.." or bumpers..

Let's keep this one in the positive..

Also...great for adding new payment options..(Paysafe..)
Post edited February 01, 2014 by ZMacZ
ZMacZ: Room for improvement ? ummm...yes..a below $5.00 search...
I agree, we're in desperate need of a search function that will return the five games priced at $4.99 and the one priced at $2.99.
Maybe a below (input box) ?

Would solve any search criteria pertaining price..

Or a sort by price maybe ?

(And thanx for not making a useless comment..)

Also since then I actually came up with another feature..

A request list merge..

Some games are being requested like numeral times..
Community can help by merging those..and thus merging the votes too..
Like tdoay I saw Heavy Gear (which I wanted to post) under several headlines..
Merging those requests (by community members themselves in sort of a presort..)
would then only need approval by the people in charge...
It could save a lot of work..(and expense ^^)

Preliminary fix would be a forum entry, which I'm about to make (if that doesn't already exist)

"Requested games merge proposals"

Once again..great site..I increased my games a lil again a while Clear Sky..

THANX !!..
Post edited February 16, 2014 by ZMacZ
On the new Star Wars Games...


- missed mah X-wing, and Rebellion (severely underrated), and BattleGrounds 1+2..
(and some more..)

Btw..don't go on sale too soon..I HAIZ NO CASH RIGHT NOW !!

i dont think they will go on sale any time soon
snowkatt: i dont think they will go on sale any time soon
But around half of them ARE on sale - 20% off! Woo!
snowkatt: i dont think they will go on sale any time soon
Fever_Discordia: But around half of them ARE on sale - 20% off! Woo!
thats not a sale
its a promotion ;p

a sale is 50% off at least

Any discount = discount....==> more games... : DDD
ZMacZ: Room for improvement ? ummm...yes..a below $5.00 search...but other than that..nothin so far..
Below $5.99 (or 6) would be a better choice. The search engine could use other improvements too, e.g. when dealing with special characters. It's difficult to find S.T.A.L.K.E.R

However, there is a search engine built by a user here that you could use
snowkatt: i dont think they will go on sale any time soon
That's what I thought about Jade Empire. And then poof, 2 months later it was 80% off, vs the 50%(or 60) off that it had on launch.
snowkatt: i dont think they will go on sale any time soon
blotunga: That's what I thought about Jade Empire. And then poof, 2 months later it was 80% off, vs the 50%(or 60) off that it had on launch.
I thought that was a mistake. Did it not only have that for a few hours before being put back at full price.
011284mm: I thought that was a mistake. Did it not only have that for a few hours before being put back at full price.
I don't know. But my backlog is long enough, so I can wait for a 70-80% discount.
thanx for SFC !!..I missed that one..and yes..much better than the ones you started with..
I so hope Armada&Armada II comes here too..
ZMacZ: Room for improvement ? ummm...yes..a below $5.00 search...
F4LL0UT: I agree, we're in desperate need of a search function that will return the five games priced at $4.99 and the one priced at $2.99.
omg..I'm talking sheer sales here..

anyways..been ages since I posted here..

AWESOME !!!! X series..all complete and now mine... :DDDDD (vewwy big smile and happeh face..)
ZMacZ: [..]
Wow, you really like this thread :P
Post edited November 10, 2015 by phaolo