muttly13: ongoing Dev support in the form of reasonably timed patches, player base, and mod ecosystem
All of those would be different if people just stop supporting $team and start doing ALL of their purchases through GOG instead.
Devs are not going to be more inclined to support GOG's releases if 90% of their player base is buying through $team. It's a no brainer.
Player base is tied to everything else. So...yeah.
And Mod support is a game-specific feature. You don't have Mod support for games without Mod support on $team. The games that have Mods...are the ones that already have Mod support. LOL
Bottom line is all of your complaints are not going to change in the future unless GOG receives the support they deserve. It's a
cause & effect kind of deal:
more people ditches $team and buys through GOG = more "power" to GOG to force Publishers & Devs to treat its users better
less people buying exclusively through GOG and more through $team = less can GOG negotiate with Pubs & Devs
revolution needs sacrifices, my man. And ofc the first
pioneers are going to suffer more...but that's the price you pay for making a radical change happen! ;)