Alright, I have completed the IMPORT code, with the exception of a manifest file created by gogclic.exe, but not built by my GUI, as I would need to see one that has more than one game in it, just to see if there are any differences that might impact.
If anyone wants to play with my program as it is, no CREATE or ADD yet, then you can grab it from MEGA.
Download from MEGA Please give me some feedback if you do try it.
And of course, share your 'Database.ini' file here if you have imported entries to it. The zip file (946 Kb) also includes my 'Database.ini' file (1.63 Mb), which currently contains values for 11,648 GOG game files.
IMPORTANT - If your AV program complains about my program, then please use
VirusTotal to allay any fears. The compiled files of the programming language I use (AutoIt) often get false detections. You would then need to add an exception to your AV program for my program.
NOTE - Alas, only Windows is supported, though you could try Wine etc. Usually the programming language I use, doesn't work well with Wine or it might be a matter of how I do my coding. If you have success with Wine etc, I'd certainly like to hear about it.
ADVISE - A side benefit no doubt, for all Offline Installer downloaders, is that the database could include MD5 and Bytes values for a wide range of file versions for a game, perhaps all ... dependent on the contributors of course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My current thinking in regard to ADD and CREATE, is to require InnoExtract testing for installer files (EXE and BIN) and 7-Zip for game extras files, plus the Linux and Mac installers. A side benefit of using InnoExtract, before going onto creating an MD5 value on success, is that the top of the output file contains the Game Title and ID.
The usual process for InnoExtract testing, is to use the EXE file to test that and all related BIN files. Testing with InnoExtract can be a very lengthy process with large installer files ... essentially it is checking every file within the EXE or BIN archive, against the included manifest list that has MD5 values for every file, so with a lot of files, especially big ones, it can take a long time.
How powerful your PC is, will certainly be a factor when it comes to speed of InnoExtract testing and MD5 testing and creation, plus importing to the database.