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Linko90: Hey guys, as you know, a bunch of stuff has been happening of late. [...]
Indeed. I even heard that someone I don't know or care about broke up with someone else I don't know or care about because of an unspecified reason. Crazy times!
Linko90: Hey guys, as you know, a bunch of stuff has been happening of late. Grey Matters removal from storefronts was due to a change of ownership of the IP. We're sorry we wouldn't warn users ahead of time.
Thanks for letting us know. Here's hoping you get the new rights sorted out soon.
Linko90: Hey guys, as you know, a bunch of stuff has been happening of late. Grey Matters removal from storefronts was due to a change of ownership of the IP. We're sorry we wouldn't warn users ahead of time.
MrFortyFive: Thanks for letting us know. Here's hoping you get the new rights sorted out soon.
If that does indeed happen i will be sure to highlight it here on forums.
That's a shame. I wanted to buy the game today.(:
Oh. I didn't notice that.
Fortunately I already bought it... hopefully it will come back.
Linko90: Hey guys, as you know, a bunch of stuff has been happening of late. Grey Matters removal from storefronts was due to a change of ownership of the IP. We're sorry we wouldn't warn users ahead of time.
It's sad. I can forgive if it would come back soon.
Post edited August 05, 2018 by erbello
doh, i just wanted to buy it here, now its gone. i had the dvd version
That's a shame, Gray Matter was one of the better adventure games released in recent years.
There`s a zombies game I noticed GOG removed, but it`s also gone from my Library as well!

Oh wait- disregard, I found it. Sorry.
Post edited September 15, 2018 by Socratatus
The game Perception was removed from the store, and GOG mentioned nothing again.
kbnrylaec: The game Perception was removed from the store, and GOG mentioned nothing again.
The devs have had "issues with GOG" for some time now. Some form of warning prior to removal would have been nice, yes, but I guess everyone is too busy advertising Thronebreaker these days. Btw, do you have a minute to talk about Gwent and its role in your life? :P
kbnrylaec: The game Perception was removed from the store, and GOG mentioned nothing again.
#WontBeErased my ass
kbnrylaec: The game Perception was removed from the store, and GOG mentioned nothing again.
KainXVIII: #WontBeErased my ass
You know this is starting to create some great concern for me. As winter said above, it seems like CD Projekt (or whatever) is more worried about its titles on gog than it is making sure gog stayed true to its course. Which was not only to provide games where we didn't have send in blood for a dna match to play a game either offline or online but also to bring games back to life that perhaps have hit a snag because of the always changing code between Window major new versions (not updates). I worry they have lost their way on the way to where they are now.

Obviously we have no say no power and never will. We will be flamed out by those who think things are great and defended by a few who even want to get into a debate let alone a burning thread. Sorry to say seeing this and looking at my country (USA) and I just wonder, what has happened to all of us. What is to become of us? Is there such a thing as a consumer, public relations, care for the little things!

I look at Steam, not the same as it was when it was crawling its way out of forcing users to load their service to play half-life 2, to selling games, to growing by leaps and bounds to where now a Steam sale is just about trading cards where they take a micro amount, okay min 2 pennies, and giving us all these icons, symbols, background, etc., when all we want are the fun time of the sales, that 24 hr sale, that flash sale every 4 hours. I gave up complaining about the sales being a joke as people just drown you out because they are probably more worried about buying 50 games at under $5 a piece because they level up and for what? Does how many games you own really matter? How many people have even finished that list of games.

We have Humble Bundle trying to do it right, but they started to drift and most companies give not because they want to but because it will look good fro the brand and a way to sell off both programs that are at end of prosperous sales and games they made in mistake.

With so many social media sites, gaming sites, forums, threads, twitter, e-mail we have lost what the internet promised, a VOICE! (no not yelling).

Sad I am writing this on a gog forum that will never matter. You can maybe say the more things are changing the more of what it meant to be just a gamer, is changing, however it isn't the direction I thought it would. Players are nastier and meaner than before. We have people trying to cheat their way through games, even players selling software to help people cheat their way through. Isn't the purpose of a game to have fun. Developers have promised us so much with the increased # of cpu's in terms of ai but in most cases the difference between easy and hard is that the computer gets to cheat, we bulk up the bad guy with 10x its strength, make it 10x more powerful and call it a challenge.

Maybe like our government that needs a major overhaul, maybe gaming needs something like that as well. Except we tell those who are already in that power, that no, you can't enter the reinvention you aren't just going to saddle us with what has become the norm. We want games that don't feel like late stage alphas and you have the gul, to convince players to pay 49.99 to 89.99 for an art book and a game that probably should have either had been a dead project or a project where you put what you use to in your games back in the past, the passion, the love, and so on.

As I said sad I am dropping this on a gog forum but 2 days ago I looked through an old listing I had saved on my computer list the gog games, and many titles are gone. Many titles that I am sure they could quickly fix to run in Win 7/10, Linux/Mac (don't know how easy for those systems OS, sorry). I play 2 MMO's, and they have become more job and more collecting and repetitiveness to the point it is just a job and there is no fun. I want back the glory days of gaming, where no matter how many times I lost, I had fun doing it.
Post edited January 27, 2019 by Sabertooth007
Sad that this game still isn't back!
It's still on Steam and with the old version of the character model on its screenshots.