GameRager: I guess you can't be held liable if you DL something they host that they don't have permission, but I myself would err on the side of caution with such cases.
jamotide: Too right! In Germany the law is, if the site is reputable, you can trust the downloads to be legal.
What if one DLs illegal game/etc files from such sites? Are such DLers liable for such or no in your country?
GameRager: Tbh I liked the second's silly style, and the weird feel of the third/prequel...guess I either like the setting or my taste just sucks. :\
Crosmando: What was so good about the Cube was the complete mystery of it, who built it and for what purpose?
To be fair some liked the "torture pr0n" aspect as well(like with the saw series) and the traps/deaths.
I liked the massive ramping up of scale in the sequels and the unraveling(without giving away too much) of the conspiracy/mystery over the series as well....though some of it(like the hypercube being able to be real) was a bit silly.