rtcvb32: The Situation: There's 1-2 games you want for a 75% discount on a bundle, costs you maybe $10
The Reality: The bundle has 30 entries and you only get a 75% discount if you get them all
The Ugly: There's 20 items, and the total cart would be $80+
The Stupid: The discount without the whole bundle is 50%
The Result: Skip it and come back when the games have a better discount.
For me too pretty much. I wait for sales to get the best discounts. But none of these give it unless you buy loads of games you aren't interested in. There's a big difference between a £10 bundle and an£50 bundle for most people.
GOG will lose sales from people who aren't fussed about DRM like myself. But maybe they'll get more profitable business by selling higher to others.