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ZFR: I just got a very strong feeling of deja vu.

Did we have a game recently where two people were arguing the way godmaus and Cadaver are arguing now?

Or is it true that all time happens simultaneously and I just remembered this very game because quantum?
JoeSapphire: Do you remember if either of the people arguing turned out the be mafia?
It was so fleeting. Could be....

Cadaver vs lonzi?
Dogmaus: you still have not answered...
ZFR: I just got a very strong feeling of deja vu.

Did we have a game recently where two people were arguing the way godmaus and Cadaver are arguing now?

Or is it true that all time happens simultaneously and I just remembered this very game because quantum?
eheh I don't know but the way Cadasver took time to analyze my every word, even if misquoting and distorcing the maining at times, was pretty convincing. If he's Mafia then he's must be trying really hard.
JoeSapphire: Do you remember if either of the people arguing turned out the be mafia?
ZFR: It was so fleeting. Could be....

Cadaver vs lonzi?
Lonzi was mafia. You reckon Dogmaus must be?
JoeSapphire: But NOT changing one's mind in response to new evidence would be...?
Cadaver747: Come on, am I the ONLY one who can see?

#643 - "I'm ok with lynching GM on D2"
#776 - "probably Town: ZFR (there shouldn't be any Godfather)"

Cadaver is Mafia, Cadaver is Town. NL is bad, I don't want GH lynched, I'm OK lynching GH. ZFR is Mafia, ZFR is Town.

A very convenient way of changing mind. That's why I think Dogmaus is either a Puzzled Town or something worse.
I was saying: I'm ok with voting for GH (never did) if it's the only way to have a lynching. I won't be suspecting people just for voting GH though.
And then, after Micro is dead and revealed as true Cop, I say then ZFR should be Town, and it's unlikely not so. How is me changing idea weird? Many posts and many Days, and real life days have passed.
It would be weird if I haven't. Now you are trying too hard and making me suspect of you again.
ZFR: It was so fleeting. Could be....

Cadaver vs lonzi?
JoeSapphire: Lonzi was mafia. You reckon Dogmaus must be?
JoeSapphire: Lonzi was mafia. You reckon Dogmaus must be?
ZFR: No.
JoeSapphire: As someone who often swings wildly with their reads I'm not sure Dogmaus' change of mind is suspicious.

When you say she's either confused town or mafia acting as confused town, are you saying you think she is mafia, or you're not sure?

I think Dogmaus is town still mostly based on Day 1 questions about the game and working things out.

I think Cadaver is town because of how focused he is on Dogmaus.
I think Dogmaus is a Puzzled Town, I can't deny a possibility of a very smart Mafia gameplay, hence I'm not sure of anything.

Also, I'm not focusing on Dogmaus, merely replied recent posts addressing me. I prefer to focus on everyone.
Dogmaus: probably Town: ZFR (there shouldn't be any Godfather)
3 scum and 1 neutral hiding among
dedoporno: Sorry, this is a recap of what exactly?
What do you mean? Of the situation? What is unclear? Have I written something wrong? You are free to correct me.
Lifthrasil: Other thought:
flubb made quite an interesting 180° turn from not hammering GH relatively close to the deadline to hammering him with more than a day to go. Townie-panic not to make the same mistake again? Or scum trying to look townie after gleefully letting D1 go to NL?
Do you have anything other than "thought" to add to this scummy accusation?? There is absolutely zero facts in your statement.

I'm not doing any work for you, but you should read my posts before you waste all your town cred making baseless accusations.

Let me ISO your meager 28 posts for anything else.
Lifthrasil: Other thought:
flubb made quite an interesting 180° turn from not hammering GH relatively close to the deadline to hammering him with more than a day to go. Townie-panic not to make the same mistake again? Or scum trying to look townie after gleefully letting D1 go to NL?
flubbucket: Do you have anything other than "thought" to add to this scummy accusation?? There is absolutely zero facts in your statement.

I'm not doing any work for you, but you should read my posts before you waste all your town cred making baseless accusations.

Let me ISO your meager 28 posts for anything else.
Flub! Has Lifthrasil distressed you?
flubbucket: Do you have anything other than "thought" to add to this scummy accusation?? There is absolutely zero facts in your statement.

I'm not doing any work for you, but you should read my posts before you waste all your town cred making baseless accusations.

Let me ISO your meager 28 posts for anything else.
JoeSapphire: Flub! Has Lifthrasil distressed you?
No he's just being lazy.

I've commented about End of Day One clearly so for him to bring it up and tag it as 180 is scummy.

I don't struggle with being "assumed scummy" at the beginning of any game. I play to have a good time, not to win. He may be busy with real life, but he just sounds lazy...and scummy...maybe even lurky??
Dogmaus: you still have not answered why bookwyrm voting Joe is sus and at the same time me not voting Joe is sus.
"Accusing Joe all the way yesterDay only to *reconsider* your opinion after ZFR's post is very convenient."
How is convenient?
Accusing me of being Mafia, calling me Town now for what reason exactly?
never accused you of being mafia, never said you ARE Town. Mango made me sus, you have been more convincing.
Joe claimed Commuter on L-2 on D2, the wagon was weak and based mostly due to his lurkiness. That claim was super stupid to make for Mafia risking a counterclaim from a real one and a result swift lynch. So it's only natural to assume Joe's claim is genuine and the only team would be so happy to lynch the *untargetable* Commuter is Mafia. Who would be so eager to persecute Joe on the next Day if not for Mafia, especially the empty Vote with no comments.
And I never stated that it's "sus" for me, but it is and I quote "worrisome", it does not mean I suspect Book but noted that vote for consideration.

How convenient you ask? Well, letting others to think for you and make assumptions based on their thoughts is convenient in my book.

This is how you never accused me of being Mafia:
Dogmaus: I've already explained this 3 times. The more you go on the more I'm convinced about you and Joe being mafia team.
And this is how you never named me Town:
Dogmaus: I'm more inclined to think of Cadaver as of Town now.
Dogmaus: I'm more inclided to consider Joe and Cadaver Town atm.
It's a question of semantics, I thought the meaning was clear enough, so how should I call it from now on? That you thought that I might be Mafia and might be Town instead of the words "accuse" and "call"? Please advise.
As for the Mango, I agree, but the only way to suspect Mango in my opinion is his way of seldom posting with literally no sense.
So you inclined to think that I'm Town (not naming me Town like you mentioned) because I'm more convincing than Mango. Well, I'm not convinced.
flubbucket: ...sounds lazy...and scummy...maybe even lurky??
I'm seeing this as a cheer in my head.
@Cadaver Dog maybe mafia, but I feel like it's not worth it for us to focus on her right now. Because everything she said you mentioned can be either considered scummy or town lack of experience. And yeah I have to admit those reasons also could apply to myself since I was always switching teams and doing convenient things.

I can't say I really understood why ZFR so sure about Joe but since he is the most town we have and he is a power player, in the same time we could avoid NL, that's exactly why I voted GH.

Bookwyrm said nothing but voted Joe. Vote Bookwyrm for now.

Today is the Chinese version of Valentine's Day, I'll go have a good time with my GF and won't have time for you nerds in a day or two :P