Apparently I messed up, when I fixed the quotes. This disappeared.
FlockeSchnee: "eavesdrop secure method" refers to all Mafia/Neutrals (I take from the wiki, that SK's don't come in pairs or more), although I did get confused a bit about people mentioning Masons in combination with Mafia. According to the rules only non-town have that special chat. Which leaves Mafia and Neutrals.
Microfish_1: The
wiki page on Masons states,
"Masons are absolutely 100% Town; just as with the Mafia's private communication, it is up to the moderator whether the Private Topic is usable both Day and Night, or at Night only (although an Encryptor in the masonry will of course allow it to be used at any time regardless of the decision). "
Microfish_1: Note that some mods put scum in a mason chat anyway, just to throw everyone into confusion.
I have never seen two SK on the same team that I recall, though I have seen a game that had a SK and a 3rd-party JOAT with a NK.
Non-Town factions of two or more members have access to a 24/7 chat, running parallel to this thread.
That/Those Mafia Mason/s would be talking to themselves.
Unless, This Mafia/Town-Mason-Mix would be their own faction, which sound complicated. I'm trying to keep thigs simple.
Carradice: I am not sure if it makes a difference. This is not a role that I like. I hated it since game #64. I am a Cop. I prefer games with no cops.
This is so anti-town.
The only thing I could find is this: (but I only searched for cop results and only in game 64)
"About cops, why holding so much faith in a townie cop to solve our problems? Even if we do have one, he has not claimed and he cannot let us know openly. So, there is no substitute for us doing our work. "
post 623 in game64
But I have the niggeling feeling, that something like this happened before in a game I skimmed. Probably month ago though.
Where are we on vote count? Does everyone agree on no-lynch? If not I need to know now, I will be offline in a few minutes.