HunchBluntley: Just FYI, everyone, my
Eador: Genesis code says it expires on the 16th.
PaterAlf: Would it be possible to automatically remove expired promo codes from one's library or (even better) give the user an option to remove them manually. There's no use in keeping expired game codes.
HunchBluntley: The problem with that would be that, if they expire or get invalidated early (and expiring when they were stated to expire "never" would count as expiring early :P ), one might not realize what had happened until it was far too late to contact Support about it.
I'd be fine with the addition of an option for users to delete unredeemed
free (but not purchased) codes from the "Orders" list without having to go through Support, but having codes autodelete upon expiration by default would be a bad idea.
I've just found out that my code of Eador: Genesis expired. I think I can't do anything about it now, right?