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Is there any method to play gog games In Wii U

Or Using DOSBox Emulator
4446.jpg (17 Kb)
Wii U is essentially a walled Garden, only games that were okayed by Nintendo can legally run on it.

You would need to use a backdoor method or jail break the system to run PC games on it.

There are methods to jailbreak a Wii to get that system to run other software so that method may work when you go into Wii mode on a Wii U so that would be a place to look.
Also, this might come as a slight surprise, but the Wii-U was basically the last gasp for the POWER architecture being relevant in the mainstream, [url=]running on a 32-bit core at that.[/url]

So, ah, good luck, since there's not only that, but all the other downsides as well.

Have you instead considered repurposing the Wii-U tablet as a drinks coaster instead?
Dudes, seriously...
Post edited September 01, 2022 by BreOl72
BreOl72: Dudes, seriously...
In my defense it was really late, now that I'm fresh I should have never even responded to this thread due to the subject matter.