DProject: Might as well post a problem I'm having with Silent Storm Gold here too (particularly, Sentinels), although I've made two separate threads about this, but received no real help.
I'm on the mission "Treachery", and there's a cutscene mid-mission, that freezes the game if I press ESC. If I don't, the cutscene never ends and the characters just stand there. Apparently this bug was fixed in an official patch for the retail version, but the patch didn't work with the version GOG is selling. Maybe they're distributing the unpatched version of the game? In its current state, I can't continue on with the game.
Information about the 1.1 UK patch:
http://www.gamezone.com/news/silent_storm_sentinels_patch_release And this part in particular: " Fixed game crash during the cut-scene on the Treachery mission zone"
JudasIscariot: I am not sure this patch will help as we have the following versions of Silent Storm:
Silent Storm (original game) is version 1.2
Silent Storm Sentinels (expansion) is version Jun 24 2004 (yes, that's what I get when I look at the main menu of the game :D)
I just tested this about 5 minutes ago in order to dispel any notions of an unpatched game :D
Would be interesting to know though, if any other GOGers have run into the same freeze bug I'm having in that particular mission or if I'm a singular case. Especially if the GOG version really isn't the unpatched one.