It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

sunshinecorp: And that nothing runs on it anyway.
And you would be dead wrong. Most software that ran on XP 32 also runs on XP 64. I've only come across a handful of instances of incompatibilities, but at least 75% of the software produced that would run on XP 32 will run on XP 64.
pds41: Well, yes. But buying the 64bit version of XP would have cost a bit!
Unless you bought it OEM. I bought it OEM off eBay. That's how I could afford XP Pro 64bit.

Darvond: Or you could buy a gently used PC and go wild with the upgrades.
That's what I did with this computer several years ago. I bought a barebones system and then bought the HD I wanted, the graphics card I wanted. I bought a 1 TB SATA HD, a DVD DL RW, a 1 GB Vid Card, 8 GB of RAM. Of course back then those were all good buys, not today of course where you can get SATA drives that hold 3 or 4 TB.

DeMignon: You kind of already answered your own question. You might never get it to work on SP2. You should seriously consider upgrading to a newer Windows. XP doesn't even get all security fixes any more. Win7 might be your best choice atm, high compatibility, stable and rather cheap to get.
First off there is a difference between XP 64 and 32. 64 never got a SP3, where 32 did get an SP3. Now I could be wrong about this as I don't know all the differences there would have been between the SPs. But I was under the impression that a lot of what was in 64 SP2 was also the same as in 32 SP3 just coded so they could work on either the 64 or 32 bit OS. Again I could be wrong and they were totally and completely different. Second off. A friend of mine got Win7 back when it was released. He let me play with it a little. From what I saw, I hated it. I really prefer the XP GUI over the Win7 GUI. That said I know I will eventually have to upgrade to Win7 or later, I doubt it will be anytime soon though. That is in part because of money and in part again because I absolutely hated Win7.

Darvond: Actually, for mainline XP, the support status is a manner of none. All support ended in 2014. Yes, even for the embedded products. Save for extended, but you'd be crazy to keep running it at this point.
Microsoft ended support for XP, yes. Microsoft does not control other software companies. Yes quite a few stopped support with Microsoft, but not all. In fact GOG Galaxy still lists XP has being Supported. By not supporting it while they say they do, they could get into some lawsuits over false advertising. They need to remove the disclaimer that they support it if they in fact don't.
APhantasm: Now I could be wrong
You are, as well as a humpty.
Win Xp-64 is a server OS, and not designed for consumer general use.
Post edited April 29, 2016 by BrandeX
Navagon: Shit. I take it back. It turns out the OP is onto something. I just tried and there's no way at all to install Galaxy onto my Amstrad CPC 464. How can GOG hope to justify its existence when it doesn't support overpriced, under-performing ludicrously obsolete platforms?
Here is the thing, they still list XP as being supported. If they are not supporting it, then they need to say so before you even download the software.

dewtech: Your answer:

Also attachment related. Read wat is underlined, eg older than 7 and no support for you, when trying to run it

Fuck XP and it's shitty outdated libraries and API-s
I've said this several times now. Don't use Microsoft for your argument. They have no baring here. Just because they stopped support doesn't mean GOG or any other software company has. Microsoft does not control what other software companies choose to support. In fact GOG still lists XP as being supported. If they are not going to support it, then they need to remove mentioning support for XP right here on their own site.

MaximumBunny: Do you need xp for anything in particular? Pretty sure you could install Xubuntu on your machine and have more compatibility with games/software.

But I'm pretty sure the GOG team isn't focused on making things compatible with an obsolete operating system so if it doesn't work then just stick to the which should still work fine. I'm surprised no one else brought it up. You can consider Galaxy to be a "modern bells and whistles" thing that's too high requirement for your computer. :P
Do I need XP in particular, probably not. Do I need Windows, yes. All my software is Windows Compatible. To switch to a new OS would require trying to find ports to Xubuntu, which are going to be far and in between since it is a relatively new OS. That said, and I said this before, will I upgrade tomorrow, probably not. But that is on me. I know eventually I will have no choice, but it hasn't gotten to that point yet.

BrandeX: Plot twist: OP pirated XP 64 anyway because no one actually has that obscure OS, and 64bit OS'es are the norm TODAY, unlike back when that was released - and he didn't know any better.
It is not pirated, I said this before I bought it OEM off eBay with a legit key. I actually take offense to the fact that you said I pirated the software, when I did not.

ussnorway: I still have a xp 64 pro installed on my home server in its own little sandbox... have not needed it since Kights old republic came to gog but I keep it just for old time sake.

Letting XP onto a multi-play server would be irresponsible and I can't see gog opening that can of worms any time soon.
Then they need to stop saying they support it if they are indeed not going to open that can of worms.
See my post above. XP and XP 64 are two completely different operating systems, that's why it's not listed by name as supported.
XP Pro 64 is NOT XP!
It's a modified Windows Server 2003.
BrandeX: See my post above. XP and XP 64 are two completely different operating systems, that's why it's not listed by name as supported.
XP Pro 64 is NOT XP!
It's a modified Windows Server 2003.
If it were a completely different operating system or even a modified Windows Server 2003 as you suggest. Programs that work with XP would not work with XP 64. I have found only a small handful of programs that won't run on XP 64. As stated 75% or more of software that was designed to work with XP works just fine with XP 64. So far only a few anti-virus programs and GOG Galaxy don't work with XP 64 that were designed for XP.
BrandeX: See my post above. XP and XP 64 are two completely different operating systems, that's why it's not listed by name as supported.
XP Pro 64 is NOT XP!
It's a modified Windows Server 2003.
APhantasm: If it were a completely different operating system or even a modified Windows Server 2003 as you suggest. Programs that work with XP would not work with XP 64. I have found only a small handful of programs that won't run on XP 64. As stated 75% or more of software that was designed to work with XP works just fine with XP 64. So far only a few anti-virus programs and GOG Galaxy don't work with XP 64 that were designed for XP.
I would bet that what doesn't run on Server 2003 doesn't run on XP x64, and that what runs on XP x64 will run on Server 2003.

I'm not all too knowledgeable with Windows' internals, but all releases of Windows 2000 (servers and clients, x86 and Itanium/IA-64) run kernel version 5.0, XP (x86) runs kernel version 5.1, XP (x86-64) and all Server 2003 (both x86 and x86-64) run kernel 5.2.
I'm not sure if anything changed at a later date, but I was under the impression Galaxy wasn't supported on XP at all, 64 bit or otherwise...

EDIT: Fuckit.
Post edited April 29, 2016 by Maighstir
"GOG Galaxy Client requires Windows 7 or newer."
XP64 was never meant to be used as a gaming platform. And really, what people have said is true: XP64 is not Windows XP. While GOG supports Windows XP, it doesn't support Windows XP64 because it never was wide spread OS in the first place.

What it boils down to is, that with XP64 MS gave their first try at 64-bit OS for home users. They wanted to see what would work and what wouldn't, but they never meant it to be the OS for the home users, as it didn't really take that long for 64-bit Win7 to take place of Windows XP.

So yeah, you made a wrong choice in OS's. Though beans, but your best bet would be to get Windows 7, if you don't want to go Win10.
adaliabooks: I'm not sure if anything changed at a later date, but I was under the impression Galaxy wasn't supported on XP at all, 64 bit or otherwise...

Not according to GOG Galaxy. It states when you start the program. The minimum supported version is Windows XP.

"GOG Galaxy Client requires Windows 7 or newer."
See the above response. The website may say one thing, but the program says something completely different. They need to change that if they are not going to support it.

Now I am done now with this thread, I will not be returning to it. I am tired of being called a liar or saying I don't know what I am talking about and called a thief (that's basically what the person called me who said I pirated the software when I actually bought it OEM off eBay). Also telling me to change to a new version of WIndows that I absolutely loath, and yes I have tried Win7 out before as stated above and I just don't like the changes they made to the GUI. I know eventually I will have to change, but right now I see no real reason for it other than the fact that Microsoft stopped support which is not enough of a reason.
APhantasm: Here is the thing, they still list XP as being supported. If they are not supporting it, then they need to say so before you even download the software.
"GOG Galaxy Client requires Windows 7 or newer."

That's right there, right up the top of the Galaxy page. Add to that the fact that nobody has ever considered XP 64 to be the same thing as XP and the fact that XP itself is no longer supported at all and you've got absolutely no reason to expect anything to work with XP 64 that wasn't explicitly designed for it.

Even then you've got no recourse should things not work properly. Not this far down the road. It's obsolete. Bottom line is, you'd be better off with a Linux distro if you wanted to improve your compatibility without any actual expense.