Demimorph: How big is it in my HDD?? I lost about 3GB after intalling it. Is it supposed to be this massive??!
Blackdrazon: Immediately after installing? Or after use? Galaxy infamously keeps a huge pile of data stored in the invisible C:/ProgramData folder (I'm not sure what folder it is on Mac), but that's mostly cache files and backup installers, meaning it depends on the size of your library. The program also has to store any in-progress downloads.Galaxy can only do those things after you've started to use the program. If it took up 3GB after installation alone, that doesn't seem quite right.
Let's try to figure out where the weight is coming from. How big is your GalaxyClient folder in Program Files (x86)? And how big is your invisible ProgramData folder?
the first one is 102MB and the second is 218MB
So what does this mean? Was it something else? Other than GOG, all I've done is give format to an empty disk partition in my HDD, does this drain 3GB from adjacent partition?