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Try the DRM-free online gaming platform.

<span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span>: our truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free online gaming platform. As we shared our vision with the world, we promised auto-patching, social functionality like chat, friends lists, and achievements. We promised our own multiplayer support and cross-play with Steam. Most importantly, we promised truly optional.

Today we deliver.
The <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span> client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test, enjoy (and break) at your leisure. We're proud to have gotten this far, and we know that we couldn't have done it without you all - that's everyone who spent months in alpha testing, that's those of you who talked to us about your needs and expectations, and it's every single one of you that has supported us since ever. So thanks, GOG Galaxy is for you!

With the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span>, you can install your games in one click and keep them up to date automatically, the beta currently supports this feature in all but a couple of titles available here. You can also perform backups easily by downloading a standalone installer through GOG Galaxy. The beta features a friends list, game time tracking, achievements, and chat. You can now talk to each other, connect with your group of friends, and see what everyone is playing. You can also try out our online multiplayer & matchmaking solution that, in select titles, includes cross-play: platform-independent multiplayer between gamers on and Steam. If you download a patch that breaks something or if you just change your mind, the app will soon feature a unique rollback option to restore a previous version of your game.

Best of all, GOG Galaxy is optional. If you don't want to use any additional software, your experience with us won't change at all. If you only want to take advantage of select conveniences, you can toggle them on and off. It's all totally up to you.

You can sign up for the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span> and find out more on <span class="bold"></span>, where we tell you about the features and answer many of the questions you may have. We'll be watching the forums carefully, so feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else that you'd like to know!
I don't like that the GOG Galaxy uses a ordinary Windows frame like my browser does.
It does not look good, in my opinion.
timppu: I wrote earlier:

+ My big (959) game collection seemed to appear almost instantly on the screen, while with the web browser interface I have to wait quite a long time for it to load to the screen. Nice.

+ Even the web forums are available through it.
timppu: I'll have to take those "pros" back.

The game collection loads faster on client apparently only because it is divided into several pages (10 in my case), while with the web interface it shows all games in one long list. I prefer the latter, easier to browse the games than going forward on ten separate pages. I hope the client will allow this too, all the games on my GOG account on one long list.

Yeah the forums are available through the client, but for now I haven't found ways to perform tasks I often do on the web interface on forums, like:

- zooming in and out on the pages (to make text bigger); I usually use Ctrl + the mousewheel for that

- copy&paste? I can't apparently even mark text (to be copied) on the client, when on forums? (other than in the message edit window, there this seems to be possible)

- searching for keywords on the current page (Ctrl+F)

Still lacking compared to the web interface... On the bright side, lately the forums with the web browser seem to complain a lot about GOG being burdened (and I can't get to the forums at all), while with the client everything is smooth. They stress different parts of the GOG infrastructure, so even if the web forums are busy, the forums through the client aren't necessarily? And vice versa?
Yeah the forums are available through the client, but for now I haven't found ways to perform tasks I often do on the web interface on forums, like:

- zooming in and out on the pages (to make text bigger); I usually use Ctrl + the mousewheel for that

> me too thats why i often use the website before the client

copy&paste? I can't apparently even mark text (to be copied) on the client, when on forums? (other than in the message edit window, there this seems to be possible)

> Cant use rightmouse to paste, now thats odd, i checked my mouse i even used 2 other mice but no click and paste, must be a code mistake i guess (or its not yet build in)

searching for keywords on the current page (Ctrl+F)

Still lacking compared to the web interface... On the bright side, lately the forums with the web browser seem to complain a lot about GOG being burdened (and I can't get to the forums at all), while with the client everything is smooth. They stress different parts of the GOG infrastructure, so even if the web forums are busy, the forums through the client aren't necessarily? And vice versa?

yes i noticed that aswell.
i guess theres still alot to be done, but rome wasnt build on one day so they can still add it.

its good to see al these replies, except the bug is showing at least 50% maybe much more as folded, that makes it hard to see in one galnce what is beiing replied with cause having to unfold all stuff ...
plus for some reason none of my posts are unfolded , i saw that some other users also have lots of folded replies.

Its no rep bug cause some of the folded have 5x rep i have , my guess is a update or maintenance.
Like i said i been of sevral fora the last decades an have seen lots of little flaws, like posts disapearing or being modded all of sudden because of some maintenance on the forum.

A user told me that i can change a setting to make all posts be unfolded, but i cant find that setting.
Post edited May 08, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Some really dumb questions from someone who has little to no experience with clients and whatnot.

Using Galaxy as a "client" means i'm opening up my pc to GOG?Is the client also like an alternate browser?Does it interfere with my current browser, is all the activity just limited to GOG?Is the client an additional burden for the pc.If so, how much?
Post edited May 08, 2015 by ALH
ALH: Some really dumb questions from someone who has little to no experience with clients and whatnot.

Using Galaxy as a "client" means i'm opening up my pc to GOG?Is the client also like an alternate browser?Does it interfere with my current browser, is all the activity just limited to GOG?Is the client an additional burden for the pc.If so, how much?
LADAYA: Well, every program you install has some access at some point. You must believe the program isn't doing something bad. For example Vave / Steam is spying on your DNS cache. I believe there are some programs, that track what other programs are doing... But I have no experience with this. Of course it can't see everything. It won't show you that NSA is spying on your Skype.

That's why you use GNU/Linux system, free (as in freedom), or open source atleast... Windows ain't open... And there's a backdoor for NSA in it... If you use Windows, there's no need to fear GOG Galaxy, you got a bigger privacy problems.

Anyway, isn't GOG Galaxy free (as in freedom)? It says we can modify it or something, the client itself... Or maybe I misunderstood. Btw, if GOG Galaxy is open source, or free (as in freedom), people can look at its code, and see if it isn't doing something malicious.

Maybe someone can prove me wrong, but that's what I learned.

BTW MESSAGE TO GOG: Will there be any repository for GNU/Linux system? For GOG Galaxy. I know GOG Galaxy has its own updater, but Steam has too, yet it needs to update the package from repositories. So I guess it's the same with Galaxy. I'm not that good with GNU/Linux yet, but I believe the packages can be updated manually or from repository only.
Thx for the reply.What about additional burden for the pc and does Galaxy interfere with the current browser?
tapeworm00: Hey all, I got a question about Galaxy settings - when I go into the settings option, I only get newsletter subscription stuff. Is there any way to disable Galaxy running on Windows startup?
timppu: Yes there was that option in the options (was it that wheel icon or something in the lower left corner?). I disabled it naturally, just like for the Steam client.
Thanks for the response - jeez, I'm either truly growing old (how couldn't I notice that button?!) or having a tutorial for everything really has made me more useless and less curious. Anyway, thanks.
Using Galaxy as a downloader, I'd like to make a few comments about its functionality.

1. Trying to download a game installer from "download extras" the client redownloads the full installer, even if it already exists. Every time I clicked on an installer it was fully redownloaded, even if it was just downloaded through Galaxy too. GOG downloader's functionality of checking the files before it downloads them is not present here.

2. I cannot find I way to download and backup any DLCs through Galaxy. They aren't shown.

3. Update flags are not shown when I check my library through Galaxy.
vanchann: Using Galaxy as a downloader, I'd like to make a few comments about its functionality.

1. Trying to download a game installer from "download extras" the client redownloads the full installer, even if it already exists. Every time I clicked on an installer it was fully redownloaded, even if it was just downloaded through Galaxy too. GOG downloader's functionality of checking the files before it downloads them is not present here.

2. I cannot find I way to download and backup any DLCs through Galaxy. They aren't shown.

3. Update flags are not shown when I check my library through Galaxy.
Same as point 1, how can we get it to recognise downloads done though either startard http files or gog downloader files?
Post edited May 08, 2015 by CommanderBubble
CommanderBubble: Same as point 1, how can we get it to recognise downloads done though either startard http files or gog downloader files?
Unfortunately we cannot. :-(

But I think GOG checks this thread for comments and the client's functionality will be fixed soon.
ALH: Thx for the reply.What about additional burden for the pc and does Galaxy interfere with the current browser?
LADAYA: Well, someone said on this forum, that Galaxy eats 250MB. Steam eats over 400MB for me sometimes... I don't know if you'll see any decrease in frames-per-second. But the client is optional, so you can test FPS with client running, and client not running. :) GOG said they will optimize the client, to make it as lightweight as possible, and that they respect your privacy. It's up to you if you trust them.

And I do not know what you mean by "interfere with current browser". It's just a gaming client, it won't do anything to your web browser, at least it shouldn't. Simply put, it manages your games + extra stuff.
You can play easily with friend over the internet, update your games automatically, chat with friends. If that's what you wanted to know.
Thx again for clarifying.
CommanderBubble: Same as point 1, how can we get it to recognise downloads done though either startard http files or gog downloader files?
vanchann: Unfortunately we cannot. :-(

But I think GOG checks this thread for comments and the client's functionality will be fixed soon.
It would be great if they added the updated status like in the browser version website. It's missing in Galaxy.

Manually adding already installed games worked for most of my games except Lichdom, which states that the installation is broken. Tried reinstalling it manually and addig again but the problem still persists. If I don't add it to Galaxy the game works. I will not try installing it through Galaxy since I will be only using importing due to internet connection limitation reasons.
vanchann: Using Galaxy as a downloader, I'd like to make a few comments about its functionality.

1. Trying to download a game installer from "download extras" the client redownloads the full installer, even if it already exists. Every time I clicked on an installer it was fully redownloaded, even if it was just downloaded through Galaxy too. GOG downloader's functionality of checking the files before it downloads them is not present here.

2. I cannot find I way to download and backup any DLCs through Galaxy. They aren't shown.

3. Update flags are not shown when I check my library through Galaxy.
I can confirm that some DLC are not visible (Divinity Original Sin Source Hunter; Don't Starve Reign of the Giants). I had to install them manually.
Does anyone know if the Twitch stream today indicates that Battlefront 2 is updated and on Galaxy multiplayer?
ZenWan: I'd like to have the option to be 'invisible' when online or playing games - I prefer not to advertise my presence if I don't feel like it.
lostwolfe: this, please. many times over. and setting profiles [when they arrive] to private.
Groete, lostwolfe. :-)

Absolutely! Has a blue responded? A search didn't turn up any response to this, and it's important to me - but perhaps not important to enough people. :-(

ZenWan: I'd like to have the option to be 'invisible' when online or playing games - I prefer not to advertise my presence if I don't feel like it.
Wish GOG would add that feature to the site, as I often leave the computer running when I'm downloading games, but not actually monitoring the site. But that means that I show up as 'online' in all community threads, although I'm technically not present.
skeletonbow: Indeed, that's something that has always puzzled me personally.


With online digital realtime communications such as instant messaging I tend to use it exactly like that telephone. Just like my phone is plugged in and turned on all the time, my instant messaging almost always is too. The "skeletonbow is online" indicator is analogous to my telephone ringing essentially indicating to people that it is actually plugged in. It doesn't indicate that I am sitting there waiting for them to message me 24/7 however. It means that they can try to contact me if they like and if I'm there I may respond, and if I'm not - leave a message.

I have a certain number of technically sensible people who use it that way too and it works just fine, much like a telephone. But then there are those people who totally don't get it, and think that if your IM is running and you're showing online, that means that you are sitting right there and they can message you whenever they want and expect a response back in a very brief window of time, and if they don't hear back from you they think perhaps you're ignoring them or being an ass or something. I'll end up getting instant messages from such people like: "Hey, how's it going?" ... "Hey are you there?" ... "Hello?" ... "HELLO?????" ... "OK FINE THEN, BE A DICK!!"

It seems that the people who communicate that way tend to be people who focus on drama and making negative assumptions about people and their motivations when they're unsure about something - rather than giving the benefit of doubt and waiting to ask the person. I don't have a lot of time in my life to give to such folks though, so <REMOVE> works in lieu of <INVISIBLE> just fine too though. :)
laughing! I don't seem to know people like that, but I understand what you're saying. I do value my privacy very much, and I like to be able to choose if I'm visible online or not. Most sites give you that option, I hope that GOG will do the same, especially for those who are playing a game.
Post edited May 08, 2015 by ZenWan
ZenWan: Groete, lostwolfe. :-)

Absolutely! Has a blue responded? A search didn't turn up any response to this, and it's important to me - but perhaps not important to enough people. :-(

laughing! I don't seem to know people like that, but I understand what you're saying. I do value my privacy very much, and I like to be able to choose if I'm visible online or not. Most sites give you that option, I hope that GOG will do the same, especially for those who are playing a game.
Yes, I too crave an "invisible" option in any instant messaging type client that can be flagged on any particular user, and also to be able to group users into categories as well as having the option for a user to appear in more than one category, and to be able to apply flags like invisible to the group. But I'd settle for something simpler than that too, and invisible per user would be a good start.

As one's friend list grows from 1 to 5 to 10 to 20 to 234234 people though having a linear list of a zillion people is unwieldy so I hope they offer options to group/hide people as everyone is likely to have their true real life friends as well as true e-friends and then real life acquaintances, online acquaintances, and then people who randomly added them for no apparent reason as well as other categories and having them all show up in one big list makes it hard to find the people you actually communicate with regularly.

Of course the chat service is totally brand new so if it is very featureless from the start that's forgivable too, but hopefully it will evolve to a more full featured modern chat over time too. I'm sure it will though. :)
AmethystViper: You're missing a key feature about GOG Galaxy. The GOG Staff is not forcing anybody to use GOG Galaxy. It's entirely up to you if you want to use it or not.
For now, they say.

Have you read GOG Galaxy's EULA to determine if they can change it at whim? I would be deeply shocked if they surrendered any right to do what they please in an actual contract.