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Try the DRM-free online gaming platform.

<span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span>: our truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free online gaming platform. As we shared our vision with the world, we promised auto-patching, social functionality like chat, friends lists, and achievements. We promised our own multiplayer support and cross-play with Steam. Most importantly, we promised truly optional.

Today we deliver.
The <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span> client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test, enjoy (and break) at your leisure. We're proud to have gotten this far, and we know that we couldn't have done it without you all - that's everyone who spent months in alpha testing, that's those of you who talked to us about your needs and expectations, and it's every single one of you that has supported us since ever. So thanks, GOG Galaxy is for you!

With the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span>, you can install your games in one click and keep them up to date automatically, the beta currently supports this feature in all but a couple of titles available here. You can also perform backups easily by downloading a standalone installer through GOG Galaxy. The beta features a friends list, game time tracking, achievements, and chat. You can now talk to each other, connect with your group of friends, and see what everyone is playing. You can also try out our online multiplayer & matchmaking solution that, in select titles, includes cross-play: platform-independent multiplayer between gamers on and Steam. If you download a patch that breaks something or if you just change your mind, the app will soon feature a unique rollback option to restore a previous version of your game.

Best of all, GOG Galaxy is optional. If you don't want to use any additional software, your experience with us won't change at all. If you only want to take advantage of select conveniences, you can toggle them on and off. It's all totally up to you.

You can sign up for the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span> and find out more on <span class="bold"></span>, where we tell you about the features and answer many of the questions you may have. We'll be watching the forums carefully, so feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else that you'd like to know!
I'm just uploaded beta client for who have troubling with unreceived invite, "can't wait" issue or so...

P.s: I don't know if my behavior against the forum policy rules. Just wanted to take some pressures over the GOG servers :) So if I'm doing something wrong please let me know, I'll remove the link immediately.

Post edited May 06, 2015 by gaddarmice
gaddarmice: I'm just uploaded beta client for who have troubling with unreceived invite, "can't wait" issue or so...

P.s: I don't know if my behavior against the forum policy rules. Just wanted to take some pressures over the GOG servers :) So if I'm doing something wrong please let me know, I'll remove the link immediately.

Here you go;
When I try add link it says "You cannot post any links at this moment." So just copy and paste that
Guess this isn't a good idea. They maybe try to balance the load currently impacting their servers and "spreading" the client can lead to some "unforeseen consequences" (pun intended) so I strongly recommend to remove this link.
gaddarmice: I'm just uploaded beta client for who have troubling with unreceived invite, "can't wait" issue or so...

P.s: I don't know if my behavior against the forum policy rules. Just wanted to take some pressures over the GOG servers :) So if I'm doing something wrong please let me know, I'll remove the link immediately.

Here you go;
When I try to add the link it says "You cannot post any links at this moment." So just copy and paste that
Thanks for the upload, hope there isnt any issues with logging in before email is passed around.
awalterj: Technical question before I install this: How much RAM does the client hog?

I like it lean on my not-so-mean machine Win 7 laptop (2 GHZ dual, 4 GB RAM)
Pseudoman: According to Task Manager:
GalaxyHelper.exe ~177,000K
GalaxyClient.exe ~56,000K

Minimal CPU usage on both processes when the client is sitting idle.
I also occasionally see (primarily when I open Galaxy)
all rather "small" (a few MB each).
Is there any way to pause patch downloads? Or it that a feature still in development?
jamyskis: Consider yourself disappointed then, because it eats up around 250MB right now (that's what you get with WebKit clients - Steam has the same problem)
Lodium: I dont think 250mb is that bad, but i migth be spoiled with my 8 GB ram.
I think windows requires 1 GB ram so 4 GB ram migth be a bit to low.
yup, i had 4 gb total XP saw onlye 3 and a bit, win7 sees more so i bought extra 4 GB ram now i also have 8GB on win7 and it does make a difference , i think my win7 could handle 16 gb but, i already had some ram so i got the same ram thats why its only 8, if i had more cash then i plugged in 16 gb (and dumped the old 4 expendable ram), but now i have to do with 8 gb on win7.
Ah there we go. It took 2 restarts, but the update kicked in.

Edit : And I think I posted in the wrong thread. Woops.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by CthuluIsSpy
cw8: Is there any way to pause patch downloads? Or it that a feature still in development?
No pause button yet,but we really need one.
Trilarion: I just mention all this to convince you that the fears of some that GOG might go DRM have some validity (whatever the official stance of GOG may be at the moment).
jamyskis: I think you have to see this in the perspective that the only reason that GOG enjoys the kind of popularity it does is because of the DRM-free angle. We've seen what happens when a distibutor branches out into DRM'd games (GamersGate, Desura, Shinyloot) - they lose their audience and destroy their credibility as a result.

As soon as GOG abandons its DRM-free principles, it might as well just shut up shop, because everyone will either simply abandon PC gaming, resort to piracy, or use Steam only. It will literally have no selling point left (especially given that the lack of regionalisation is now history). GOG's management isn't stupid - they know this.

With the possible exception of Desura (which essentially continues to hang on for dear life on the single thread of it being the distribution pendant of IndieDB and ModDB), I would expect GamersGate and Shinyloot to disappear in the near future. Even Humble Store has destroyed its raison d'être and only continues to exist thanks to the bundles (and anecdotal evidence suggests that sales on that one too are poor).
I don't know where you are getting your data on Humble but I saw a report from at least one dev (Retro city rampage) that said Humble sells as much as GoG does. None of these other sites are going to go anywhere (Gamersgate, Green Man Gaming, Amazon, etc.) because in many cases they actually undercut Steam sales (especially during the Summer and Winter sales) to the point that those sites are actually a real option now for PC Gamers (it's why sites like isthereanydeal exist now).

I agree with you that GoG is popular amongst it's fans (notice I didn't say PC gamers in general since most don't even know they exist due to lack of marketing) mostly due to DRM-Free, but there are a sizeable contingent of gamers that buy here due to the library of classics and not necessarily DRM-Free. It wouldn't surprise me if 50% of regular GoG users are also Steam users who when the same product is offered on both sites (usually indies), they will base their buying decision on price and service features over DRM-Free.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by synfresh
Where can I report bugs?
Maighstir: Frankly, I was under no impression of you at all. My reply was aimed at Tannath who specifically said "installing Galaxy just for that is not a solution for me".
Good grief, so it was. My apologies.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by Shadowcat
Xabyer_B: Where can I report bugs?
Xabyer_B: Where can I report bugs?
Xabyer_B: Where can I report bugs?
moonshineshadow: Here:
Thank you.
Looking forward to trying out the beta version, alpha worked ok for me, just limited in what I actually wanted to download/play. Hoping some of the other features (especially making it easier to connect for multiplayer) are worthwhile and make it useful all the time.

Still waiting for the invite though at this point :-)