Just for the record, I have Diablo 2 + the expansion with the 1.14b patch. I decided to test the GOG wrapper available in Diablo + Hellfire, and I received pixelated graphics, everything looked rough, including the letters, as if a bilinear filter was deactivated. So, I decided to take a wrapper of the game Gorky 17, and I got smooth graphics, as if the bilinear filter was activated. Detail: Both wrappers are the same version; however, internally, they are different. Apparently the version that comes with Diablo was coded in a way to have the Glide renderer look, while the Gorky 17 version has the DirectDraw look. Of course, both wrappers used default settings, with only the aspect ratio correction option disabled.
I also tested the Gorky 17 wrapper with the Darkstone and Take No Prisoners, and they worked perfectly! It's worth mentioning that TNP comes with cnc-ddraw, which is very good, but this wrapper loses the "lighting effects", and the GOG wrapper fixes this. Darkstone has one minor problem, it opens in a tiny window; strangely, it comes with GOG's "ddraw.dll" (I don't remember the version), but without the "dxcfg.exe" and "dxcfg.ini" files, which prevents any configuration. Well, you guessed it, Gorky 17's GOG wrapper does the job opening it in any resolution without errors! =D