DoomSooth: Knowing exactly what the review said would help to understand why. Lots of people seem to think talking about a developer's personal life, politics, or whatever else is okay but don't actually review the game.
I've also seem some pretty stupid reviews that gave a game a low raring because it was released a few minutes late.
Reviews should contain information about what games have or don't have. What's good about the game? What's bad about it? Did it run well? Did it crash a lot? Is there something the company could have done to make the game better?
We don't need to know if someone thinks a game is bad because a developer got caught urinating onto a salad while screaming racial slurs. Things like that have nothing to do with the game's quality.
Hmm.. I don't know.. you're making a purchasing decision, your money is going somewhere
Like, maybe it isn't totally inappropriate to remind people what massive bellends JK Rowling and Doug TenNagle are when buying Harry Potter and earthworm Jim games and merch?
Or Activision and Ubisoft's terrible business practices and toxic work environments?
Or maybe I'm just a diehard woke old leftie who still watches Jim-Steph Sterling and Bob "MovieBob" Chipman?