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hi, I was cleaning in my forgotten game box and found several games that can be gifted via steam. So I would like to add those games to the prize list.

whispered world
sid meyers ace patrol
super hexagon
mortal kombat kollection
Just finished my game against CSPVG and won 2-0. Was an interesting game, without the aid of bribes i was quite worried if i could make it. But i got lucky with the looney, who was able to hurt two of the ogres, so that i was able to not be overpowered as much. The bombardier killed himself at his first attempt with the bomb, but i apo'd him and so he still lives. Always fun injuring your own team instead of the opponent :P.
Got rid of the fanatic, his -mv, the fact i was always running out of bribes, and that he would not join this game made me decide he was not worth the spot in my team. So from now on its just the looney and bombardier that you have to worry about, hopefully they both will be on the pitch long enough to earn their stay :).

Replay is uploaded.
In a horrible game (from my view) against Dodogeo, I lost 2-1.

Surprisingly, none of my elves suffered from any serious wounds, even though all but 2 were left standing on the field.

But really, horrible dice rolls on my side this match.

Still, with no deaths, I am surprisingly happy/content with the match, as it turned out as expected.

Btw: whose turn is it on the prize pool?
Post edited October 15, 2014 by cheongzewei
I lost to kanarek 2-3 right now.

I feared it will be worse but am still annoyed right now.
I had shot in getting draw right at the end but I failed GFI, then its re-roll and my saurus got hurt during it.

I was behind all match and michal has upper hand, there is no doubt about it (hell, he kicked had blitz and managed to catch his own kick and score on T3, I could never do that!). He has very good team and is much better coach than me but I also feel that dice didn't favour me often. Could be only feeling though and michal's win is certainly well deserved.
It is true I had hell of a luck most of season so even if this one wasn't favourable, it only balances out.

I managed to injure 1 player whole match (-ST on blitzer saved to MNG), despite trying hard and michal killed my skink who got saved by apo, inflicted -MA on my cursed position (1st player there in this season got killed another one got -ST on his first match and this one did nothing in 4 or 5 matches he played, only gained MVP last match for nothing) on T15 and 3rd hurt was self-inflicted on GFI. Like 2 matches ago and several times before.

Now when the big challenge is out of way I can look toward next week and easy match for change. Against jolly. :-) And then E_A.

Replay is upped in temp folder.
Post edited October 16, 2014 by Vitek
My match against cnquist should start in a couple of minutes. :-)
I and Necross somehow swapped AV's and stunties in this match. i suffered 2 CAS and Necross "few more". and dead ogre (killed himself with red skull). Its painful difficult to play when you dont have nay players...

My teams bloodthirstiness was probably cause by the fact that the chef failed every single roll on both halftimes, so my team must have decided to try to make dinner out of Necross team instead. :S

2-0 for the flings
Well it was a 2-0 loss for me. I must have really and i mean REALLY pissed off the ling's by choosing to cook for my own team as a desperate counter to there master chef. My gamble worked and not a single rr was stolen. but the took my superior cooking skills as an insult and killed my orge and injured four other players. By games end i had only two players on the pitch

Next match is Zeta... I'm screwed
Post edited October 17, 2014 by Necross
Misfits and Underdoggies played today while the final score 2-1 may seem boring the game was anything but, as I was continually amazed how much the Misfits could do while being so out numbered. My wolves and golems combined to injure 5 (4 MNG) and the wizard chimed in causing 2 more Badly hurts with a fireball. Two injuries were caused but both victims regenerated for the doggies.

Watch turn 16 for some amazing positioning from the outnumbered misfits.I thought perfect defence combined with an unexpected touchback gave me an easy win but their positioning essentially forced me to to attempt a risky one dice blitz with the ball carrying werewolf (everything else waas too even more risky). Nuffle favored me with push followed by defender down on frenzy. I would have attempted the dodge if I failed the knockdown. It could easily ended as a tie or even a win for Piran if certain rolls went the other way.

Even with two babes trying to revive him Luthor decided he was happier chilling on the sidelines for that critical last play.

Also interesting stat: the Underdoggies are the only team in D2 that has not caused a death. Though one halfling did die trying to dodge away.
at least you have a win. I'm the only one in the league not to have one
played some days ago against duder game ended 3:3
game uploaded to the drive.

about the game nothing special my humans went down like elves important rolls failed for me while almost everything worked again against me...
Necross: at least you have a win. I'm the only one in the league not to have one
True (though I think there are one or two in D1 that don't ave a win).

Halflings may just be the Kryptonite of Ogres as both matches against teams with Ogre players, has resulted in many casualties.
Necross: at least you have a win. I'm the only one in the league not to have one
"Ludimus ergo sumus"
I have another question about the league. This time about the elephant in the room; Blood Bowl 2, which is due out withinthe next year. Will we be switching to it imedatly after launch (or the first season to start after launch) or not; and if not when?

I ask as there is a significant drop in number of playable races when you compare Legendary Edition BB to vanilla BB2 which has about seven to nine playable races, but will be (hopefully) more stable online and have less Cyanide rules. Then there is the player aution house that will be featured where you can buy/sell players in the off season...

This is something we will need to discuss sooner or later, so why not now
Post edited October 18, 2014 by Necross