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In a match that saw several serious nufflings on both sides, Natural Disaster ended up being the luckier team and scoring a 1-0 victory against the Dead-Eye Berserkers.

Replay following soon.
Just a general reminder: If someone feels they have any sort of reservations about match result or its handling, please DO contact any admin RIGHT away. Dont wait. Steam chat or PM asap.

Also concerning admin set scores. They are always either 0-0 or 1-0. Always.

Trying to take account all in game TD's, casulties, passes and whatnot would be too difficult and simply pain-in-the-ass way to go with the BB admin tools we have at the hand.

So the current admin set default win is in effect: Double MVP, double money, spp for 1 TD, 100% healthy team for next match. I consider that pretty decent.

I am hoping everyone will be gentleman enough not to abuse the system in anyway and also try to understand the reasoning behind this system of ours.

Post edited January 05, 2014 by iippo
iippo: Just a general reminder: If someone feels they have any sort of reservations about match result or its handling, please DO contact any admin RIGHT away. Dont wait. Steam chat or PM asap.

Also concerning admin set scores. They are always either 0-0 or 1-0. Always.

Trying to take account all in game TD's, casulties, passes and whatnot would be too difficult and simply pain-in-the-ass way to go with the BB admin tools we have at the hand.

So the current admin set default win is in effect: Double MVP, double money, spp for 1 TD, 100% healthy team for next match. I consider that pretty decent.

I am hoping everyone will be gentleman enough not to abuse the system in anyway and also try to understand the reasoning behind this system of ours.

Can you give me better dice rolls? I have an issue with those :P
iippo: Just a general reminder: If someone feels they have any sort of reservations about match result or its handling, please DO contact any admin RIGHT away. Dont wait. Steam chat or PM asap.

Also concerning admin set scores. They are always either 0-0 or 1-0. Always.

Trying to take account all in game TD's, casulties, passes and whatnot would be too difficult and simply pain-in-the-ass way to go with the BB admin tools we have at the hand.

So the current admin set default win is in effect: Double MVP, double money, spp for 1 TD, 100% healthy team for next match. I consider that pretty decent.

I am hoping everyone will be gentleman enough not to abuse the system in anyway and also try to understand the reasoning behind this system of ours.

JudasIscariot: Can you give me better dice rolls? I have an issue with those :P
Here is the replay: Dead Eye Berzerkers vs. Natural Disaster

Match report:

The main feature of this match was Nuffle having a field day with both of us. There were lots of skull blocks (single and double), several failed GFIs (with rerolls), failed pick-ups (with rerolls), and whenever a roll was really important for either team, it was certain to fail.

The match began with the Berzerkers in the offense, and (as usual) the first blitz against me resulted in a casualty (my main thrower received a double-6 armor roll), so I was at a numerical disadvantage for the entire match.

Fortunately, I had bought a second thrower just before we started the match. Not so fortunately, he failed a GFI in turn 4, failed the re-roll as well, received another double-6 armor roll, and then died. That was a rather short career.

Natural Disaster mounted a decent positional defense, which made it difficult for the Berzerkers to push through. When they decided to make a break, they rolled a double skull on a crucial block, leaving their ball carrier completely exposed. I sacked him, picked up the ball, and hid it behind a wall of wood elves.

The rest of the first half saw my team retreating with the ball, and the Berzerkers trying to get it back, but not succeeding. I had everything set up for a breakaway in turn 8, but the interface had other ideas and interpreted my leap as a throw. Funnily enough, a beastman even intercepted the unintended pass and stood one tile away from my end zone, ball in his hands.

In the second half, I set everything up for a quick touchdown, only to see the Berzerkers get "Perfect Defense" as a kick-off event. Gah. I tried to pull something off nonetheless, missed a crucial dodge despite using up a reroll, and suffered a turnover before I even picked up the ball. Luckily I had it surrounded with four of my players, so the Berzerkers could only bring one of theirs next to the ball. In the next turn, my sure-hands catcher was sure to pick the ball up - except that he failed, and fumbled the ball right behind the wall of Berzerker players. Mainosmies picked it up and moved the ball carrier plus some protection to the empty side of the pitch. Then he threw a double skull block against one of my players.

And in the next turn, suddenly everything worked for me. Twiggy Branches, who was lying onthe floor, got up, lept into safety, ran circles around the opponents, dodged one of them, made a block against the ball carrier, and sent him to the ground with broken ribs. In the same turn, my sure-hands catchers made five successful dodges in a single move, and picked up the free ball.

Mainosmies managed to knock my ball carrier down in the next turn, but the ball scattered to the one square where I had another player, and he caught it. The problem for the berzerkers was now that by going to the empty side of the pitch, they had left some of their stronger players behind on the other side, and they couldn't follow fast enough to mount a good defense. My ball carrier dodged free and sprinted along the sideline, bypassing the opposition, while some other wood elves followed and tried to protect him. Mainosmies had to waste his blitz to block a path free, and then could neither attack my ball carrier, nor put enough players in his path, and so he scored a touchdown after another dodge.

That left the Berzerkers with four turns to score an equalizer, which looked like a definite possibility given that they had the numerical advantage (I had only 8 players left at that point). However, their beastman failed the pick-up, and in the end this lost them exactly the one turn they would have needed to score again. In turn 16, they managed to break through my defenses, but couldn't reach the end zone any more.

In the end, the luckier team won - like so often, wood elves proved that they can win a completely chaotic match as long as they get two really good turns in a row at some time. While the statistics tool stubbornly maintains that Mainosmies' rolls were lucky on the average, the ones that failed did really, really hurt his team. Whereas the bad rolls that I had didn't have all that much impact in the end, and the amazing lucky streak between turns 11 and 12 more than made up for it.
Post edited January 05, 2014 by Psyringe
iippo: So the current admin set default win is in effect: Double MVP, double money, spp for 1 TD, 100% healthy team for next match. I consider that pretty decent.
I think this is not correct. Even when the score is set at 1-0, the winning team gets 2 TDs in-game.

2 MVP = 10 SPP
2 TDs = 6 SPP
for a total of 16 SPP
and double money.

Or not?

EDIT: We're looking into this. So far we have conflicting information.
Post edited January 05, 2014 by Piranjade
Just finished my game against Mafia, was a real fun game. Got really lucky in turn 6 when he was about to score and i was able to knock down his ball carrier, pick up the ball, throw the ball and some other rolls with the 3 players i was able to move that turn :). Later messed it up in the second half when i started with the ball, need to have some better tactics when i play with an incomplete team.

The dice rolls seemed today to be all or nothing, needed to reroll almost all my dauntless rolls in the first half and my catcher failed all the catching, while at other times (like turn 6 :P) everything succeeded. Really had fun, although perhaps for my next time against such a team with killing power i should get some mercs so i can do the crazy stuff even with some more players :P.

For a replay see

oh and the endscore was 1-1 :)
Post edited January 06, 2014 by arnob8911
CSPVG and myself are set to take to the pitch in about 10 hours' time.

Goblins vs. Humans. Who shall emerge victorious?
If everything goes as planned, my vamps and Kamica's undead are meeting later today, aiming for +- 8pm (+1).

...hoping -all- the junior coach are in favorable mood at the time ;)
here is the replay
Judas vs Michal

and question: my runner rolled his second double, on first I choose guard. Shall i choose mutation or block this time? Block is normal roll for runners.
kanarek: here is the replay
Judas vs Michal

and question: my runner rolled his second double, on first I choose guard. Shall i choose mutation or block this time? Block is normal roll for runners.
I choose Block for all my guys regardless but I am no expert at this game :)

I want to choose a Mutation next time but the regular stuff sounds too good :(
kanarek: here is the replay
Judas vs Michal

and question: my runner rolled his second double, on first I choose guard. Shall i choose mutation or block this time? Block is normal roll for runners.
JudasIscariot: I choose Block for all my guys regardless but I am no expert at this game :)

I want to choose a Mutation next time but the regular stuff sounds too good :(
For chaos lvling up is actually rather easy as long as you get regular rolls.

first block. always block. dont listen to any wrestle nonsense ;)

After that you decide whether to turn the guy into killer or support. if support take guard, if killer MB/claws -depending how your future opponents look like.

Only after you have both couple supports and killers its wise to start creating those more weird mutation freaks.


on the skaven matter, i suppose its pretty much either block/wrestle or horns? Two heads player would be super sneaky ofcourse, but id probably choose still something else.
iippo: first block. always block. dont listen to any wrestle nonsense ;)
But, but, Wrestle is nice and fluffy and removes tackle zones without anybody getting hurt!

(Yes, I can see how that might be somewhat less appealing to a Chaos team, for whom hurting the opposition is the main point of the game. Just wanted to throw in some moral support for a skill my woodies are fond of. ;) )
JudasIscariot: I choose Block for all my guys regardless but I am no expert at this game :)

I want to choose a Mutation next time but the regular stuff sounds too good :(
iippo: For chaos lvling up is actually rather easy as long as you get regular rolls.

first block. always block. dont listen to any wrestle nonsense ;)

After that you decide whether to turn the guy into killer or support. if support take guard, if killer MB/claws -depending how your future opponents look like.

Only after you have both couple supports and killers its wise to start creating those more weird mutation freaks.


on the skaven matter, i suppose its pretty much either block/wrestle or horns? Two heads player would be super sneaky ofcourse, but id probably choose still something else.
Oh believe me, Block is the first thing anyone on my team gets if they actually manage to get some dang SPP :) That and Guard on everyone who lives so that I have tackle zones, tackle zones everywhere. Then I will look into mutations that help with the killing other than Claw :D
Unfortunately Kamica cannot play this evening, so we will make new attempt tomorrow at the same time.

Cant wait to get some undead action :)