Rodzaju: This whole "I won't accept any solution unless I get my injured players back" leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
It is almost out & out cheating.
If this is what this league is becoming, I will not be back for season 3.
How about sleeping a night over it and then perhaps re-assess the situation?
I mean, I might be missing something here, and I totally understand your frustration since it apparently seemed like a game would work for you in the way you expected, but ... cheongzewei eally offered several solutions (admin'ed loss, replay, spinning coin, even the jokingly thrown in halfling brawl). On the other side, forcing an opponent into a silly "who drops connection first" fight
after he already offered you a victory looks way more stubborn to me, and makes we wonder whether you really "fit" into this league. I mean, most of the players aren't even fouling, and even stalling is considered bad by some, and you value a few SPP so highly that you don't even accept a victory offer? And prefer to go into a silly wait-the-other-one-out battle instead?
I don't know you and I won't judge you, but I really can't see the merit in that.
In any case, I'm glad that a rematch could be arranged. It would really have been a shame if the outcome of the battle of this divison's two best teams were to be determined by technicalities. Bashing, passing, fouling, swearing, having to replay because the damn game has another bug - all okay, but letting technicalities decide a match? That's totally not Blood Bowl.