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lupineshadow: If GOG doesn't have a game I want for a long time I will buy it on Steam.
I said did say loyal return customers. And in context I was debunking the thought that something being OLD here is a bad thing. GOG having titles added to sell which it never had before is an attractive selling point for buyers... isn't it?
Braggadar: GOG having titles added to sell which it never had before is an attractive selling point for buyers... isn't it?
Yes of course. Personally I don't think this one game is going to make a huge difference to GOG's long term appeal though.

Clear communication about when things will arrive is definitely more preferable than one extra game added that as far as I can see, may or may not arrive in 2024.
I find it interesting to see some people in this thread projecting blame onto Sony, i.e. "Sony doesn't want to release more games on GOG, until they see more sales for the ones that have been released".

The way I understand it works in the industry is that publishers typically want large cash advances, in order to allow a store to sell their game. They want their sales up-front. The basic equation is very simple: "Give us this big pile of money, and you can sell our game." This is what creates the main barrier to entry for smaller stores.

I mean, we're all speculating, but I think a likely scenario is that Sony has given GOG a list of their games and the advances they would want for each of them. GOG decided to 'test the water' with a couple of the lower-priced ones (makes sense), and GOG/CDPR's execs are looking to see a certain return on that, before they will sign off on paying for the games for which Sony will want bigger advances.

In that case, it is GOG that is making the investment and GOG that needs to see the ROI on it, before being willing to invest more.

Perhaps I'm nitpicking and, ultimately, the outcome is the same from a GOG users' POV: more sales need to be made on existing Sony games, before more will come. And, of course, we can criticize Sony for demanding such large advances. But, this stuff about 'Sony wanting to see more sales on the previous releases' is imo likely inaccurate. It's GOG that needs to see more sales, not Sony.
Post edited February 28, 2024 by Time4Tea
Breja: Even if the game was downright ancient - so what?
Nothing. I play most games, regardless of age.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: c) an inferior remake of the real/original/good God of War games which definitely are not coming to GOG
It's a sequel, not a remake. He killed all the gods in Greece, then moved to Norway. It's the same character. Past games happened and are mentioned.
Post edited February 28, 2024 by SargonAelther
Time4Tea: I find it interesting to see some people in this thread projecting blame onto Sony, i.e. "Sony doesn't want to release more games on GOG, until they see more sales for the ones that have been released".
The game was already confirmed to be coming to GOG. Uncharted and GOW were both confirmed together. So, which means to me, GOG has the right to sell the game. It's taking time to be released maybe because of GOG or Sony? idk

Now if these games sell well, what you said makes sense.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by Syphon72
No, they do not have the "rights to sell", because if so... they would be selling it; useful to think logical.

A contract is pretty individual, especially on a rather "high rated" game... although, not necessarily selling well because GoG customers are a bit unconventional on their taste: GoG customers "love" many games i would not even dare to think about. GoG can make decisions "away from a typical market rule"... for example they could decide not to go the "old school ROI-mentality" instead simply using some rather big titles as a bait for further sells or new customers. This is the way EGS was going pretty much...
However... in the case of GoW, it is barely worth it because GoG is already "left behind" compared to other stores, ultimately the sales expectations are not at the edge.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by Xeshra
Time4Tea: I find it interesting to see some people in this thread projecting blame onto Sony, i.e. "Sony doesn't want to release more games on GOG, until they see more sales for the ones that have been released".
Maybe because some people in this thread use GOG's discord, which often has more information than what's available on the forums... actually that information has been passed to the forums plenty of times, but then the messengers get accused of wild speculations lol.

Time4Tea: I mean, we're all speculating, but I think a likely scenario is that Sony has given GOG a list of their games and the advances they would want for each of them. GOG decided to 'test the water' with a couple of the lower-priced ones (makes sense), and GOG/CDPR's execs are looking to see a certain return on that, before they will sign off on paying for the games for which Sony will want bigger advances.
So GOG is testing the waters with casual statements like "GOW will come out soon after the winter sale" and "There are some contractual hold ups, the team is working very hard to push it live ASAP"?

So no, I don't think GOG is testing the waters. I think Sony is testing the waters, before they drop one of their biggest IPs here and they may not be very pleased with the sales so far.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by SargonAelther
Xeshra: No, they do not have the "rights to sell", because if so... they would be selling it; useful to think logical.
It's possible they have acquired the rights to sell the game, but have run into technical difficulties with the release, such as stripping DRM or getting it to work with the Galaxy API.

I agree with you that it's useful to think logically though.
I just hope GOG has the game tightly secured and it's either a matter of meeting a (realistic) sales goal for Sony titles or just waiting a few months for whatever reason

Anything but Sony pulling the plug, please

Time4Tea: It's possible they have acquired the rights to sell the game, but have run into technical difficulties with the release, such as stripping DRM or getting it to work with the Galaxy API.

I agree with you that it's useful to think logically though.
I would rule out technical difficulties, they had none with Days Gone or Uncharted, and the official reason for the delay is "contractual"
Memecchi: I would rule out technical difficulties, they had none with Days Gone or Uncharted, and the official reason for the delay is "contractual"
Ok, that's a fair point. In that case, I agree with what others have said then though - it seems peculiar that GOG would announce the game is 'coming soon', if the contract hasn't been completely signed/agreed.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by Time4Tea
Hello? Its Sony... they have been built a custom BSD-Linux based OS entirely for their console, including a custom graphic API along; designed some custom hardware with some other custom software. No, they do not have issues "removing a DRM" or even "create a new Interface for whatelse"... all what matters is the coin-factor... nothing else.

With GoG it is a bit more complicated because the people that truly can handle stuff are working at a different spot of CDPR, while the rather less experienced employees are doing the stuff that is not so much of a coin-eater...
Although, in Poland it is generally hard to gather so many competence on a single spot... in the US they are definitely far more experienced handling such matters. So, while coins are playing a role... competence is still priceless.

Still, even Steam is having many issues but it is less common and less visible as they simply got the "power" in order to "overpower" those issues by a huge backup infrastructure and a lot of competent workers.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by Xeshra
Well if it's a sales goal that needs to be met Horizon: Zero Dawn is 75% off right now
wolfsite: Well if it's a sales goal that needs to be met Horizon: Zero Dawn is 75% off right now
Also Days Gone 77% off .
I feel so tired: Also Days Gone 77% off .
Your wishes are granted! We are sharing newsletter codes. Maybe if more people buy these, there would be more releases? We can only hope.
Post edited February 29, 2024 by thiagott
I do not understand all the fuss regarding this God of War anyway...
The best title for me is already here and some other games i enjoy, especially "Star Ocean the Second Story R" will probably never be here ever, because of the taste of the customers. Already difficult on that other platform and on the current platform... lets just forget it. I am not always a niche-gamer but indeed... a lot of games i enjoy are niche.