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high rated
I have a burning question.

How to stay warm without heating?
How to stay heated without working radiators or wood for the fireplace, and there is no fireplace in a house too.

What would you do to heat yourself or a group of people in your house?

The "best" answer will be picked by my friend with heating issues, exactly 24 hrs from now.

The award is:

Thank you to all participants! Time start.
Not in but I do have the perfect answer to stay warm for us gamers.

Throw a LAN party and hook up all those desktop and laptop computers together. The heat generated by all those machines will warm up any home.
Not in. This might help you feel warmer:
Easy. Mine bitcoins :)
Post edited October 28, 2022 by truhlik
Not in. But wearing plastic pants with elastic leg bands and waistbands, while eating quite large quantities of spicy food, should go some way to warming oneself up, eventually. Could be a little noisy, and possibly a little smelly too. But hey!, no stomach pain, no gain...
Not in for the game, but when it's really cold and you are the only heat source, stay in bed. If blankets and trapped body heat are not sufficient, bring some hot water bottles. If there are no hot water bottles around, fill some soda bottles (but keep them from touching skin directly).
I'm in. I suggest insulation
Bubble Wrap Storm Window

Thanks for the Giveaway.
When it comes to surviving for a limited time - make jumping jacks.
And by clicking here: you can even help someone making jumping jacks :)
Not in for the reward, but my suggestion if you want to get warm - find yourself a huge woman to hug. She will give you all the warmth you need.
Silly answer: I'd get a shoulder cat to keep me warm. Maybe two. :P

Serious answer: Wool socks, fluffy slippers, wool tuque, wool scarf, wool blankets to wrap around your body and some for the bed at night (and I'm talking about real wool here, the kind great-grandma used to have), long johns, flannel pyjamas, hot water bottles to hug at night, hot mug of teas or broth to sip and to hold, heavy bathrobe... Can you tell I speak from experience? LOL! Sucks to live in a poorly insulated apartment. ;)

Not in, but thanks for the generous giveaway, Seb7.9!
BenKii: Throw a LAN party...
^ I love this! If you were my neighbour, this is where I'd go to keep warm. To your LAN party! xD
Post edited October 29, 2022 by matterbandit
Flannel pajamas and Kitty Cuddles!

I have four of them to keep me warn in this scenario.
We can all gather under a blanket for extra warmth.
Im in for 1 good reason and several bad. One of them: I am not expert on heating
so... I will use a tip I received time ago by Timboli

Hope it helps (Maybe the whole thread could give even more ideas)

Also remember: Hot chocolate is always an option. Beverage of Gods! :)
Fly to the southern hemisphere.
i will try my luck

first you need to find smallest room for the night. Try to make a tent with all of your plastic. when you breath in that tent like thing that makes sauna effect. You will survive with your friends.
Hi, some ideas:

- Keep and windows closed and close shutters and curtains, so heat does not escape as much. Make sure there is enough airflow so that one can breathe, though.
- If electricity is available, portable heaters (even hair dryers) can be used for some heating.
- Hot water bottles can be used for temporary heat storage. If running hot water isn't available but electricity is, a microwave oven can be used to heat water.
- Physical activity will keep people warm, so... do some exercises?
- Dress warmly, and use e.g. blankets for additional warmth whenever sitting still.

Thank you for the giveaway, I'm in!