there we are... we traveled in time to the future and a future is now...yet we have changed the past and its archived...
there will be no nuclear war... thanks to You!! believe it or not, World does not want it ^ hoorays thanks to you people! ^
I`ve worked it out after all
m = E/c2
c2=E/m ? strange is it?
E/m = c2 = (299792458 m/s)2 = 89875517873681764 J/kg (≈ 9.0 × 1016 joules per kilogram).
c= √(E/m) so... that is our reality... we are not solely energy...
our Thoughts and Souls are
That is why you often know when someone is thinking about you, even from far far away,
it is not conventional physics, you just know something good happened.
Thank You All for your answers a fourth copy is going to:
I'm in I only see a good destiny for nuclear warheads: dismantle them and use the uranium as energy.