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I'm in, Thanks
I'm in, I hope to win this time
Four! Ha ha

[oh, not in]
Post edited October 25, 2022 by bler144
As slow as I am, I just noticed this might the Doctober fest which began in August with no end in sight :)
Thanks a lot Doc0075 for your huge generosity! Not in and good luck to all!
Hello! Thanks for GA! I`m in
I would like to try my luck. please count me in.

This is something that I would actually play!
Looks like a fun game with a sense of humour! Wishing all participants good luck! :) Not in... Been in and out of hospitals for the past two months (nothing serious), so the theme does not sit well with me these days. LOL! :P

+1 for the generous giveaway, Doc.
matterbandit: Looks like a fun game with a sense of humour! Wishing all participants good luck! :) Not in... Been in and out of hospitals for the past two months (nothing serious)
Nothing serious says the guy that has been in and out of hospitals.
I hope you're doing better now.
thx for the giveaway
Not in. good luck to all
matterbandit: Looks like a fun game with a sense of humour! Wishing all participants good luck! :) Not in... Been in and out of hospitals for the past two months (nothing serious)
Catventurer: Nothing serious says the guy that has been in and out of hospitals.
I hope you're doing better now.

Take care, Matterbandit
Nice GA. I'm in
I'm not in for this giveaway, Doc. Thank you very much regardless! Best of luck to those who are in for one of the copies.
Catventurer: Nothing serious says the guy that has been in and out of hospitals.
I hope you're doing better now.
Carradice: Ditto
Very kind words, but unnecessary. I was very serious when I said "nothing serious"! I am doing fine. Really!! :D I just needed to have a problem checked and it took two months and several visits to several hospitals because of a broken health system. My fault: my wording may have misled, but it was not my intention. Apologies.
matterbandit: Very kind words, but unnecessary. I was very serious when I said "nothing serious"! I am doing fine. Really!! :D I just needed to have a problem checked and it took two months and several visits to several hospitals because of a broken health system. My fault: my wording may have misled, but it was not my intention. Apologies.
Was it perchance related to a very delicate and secretive surgical procedure, concerning a certain legendary painter that took part of major events in the past, designed to re-implant a certain pair of eyes that were returned to her carefully delivered in a box?