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Not in, but thanks for the generosity, Doc!

Seriously: too kind to us all. Just finished one big GA and now you're throwing us mini ones now? Wow!
Doc0075: (...)
Vinry_.: (...)
Grace saved 💯
Thanks for your generosity Doc!!!!
Not in.
Thanks Doc0075 for your admirable generosity!
Not in and good luck to all the participants
You're breathtaking doc! I have never seen anyone gifting all those games to random people on the net; you are a symbol for the community!

Anyway, I'm not in, since a friend of mine has already gifted me the SE.
You can't say "No" to Skyrim, I'm in. Thanks Doc!
I'm in, thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I'm in.

Thank you for the giveaway such a great and long-awaited game on GOG.
Hey, why not? I'm in! :D

Thanks for the generosity!
I'm in Doc, thanks.
Oh, I'd LOVE to be in for this, please and thanks!!!
If I'm allowed to join in , I'm in.
Really generous Doc. Thank you.

Not in.
Generous as always. :)

I'm in.
I'm in.
And indeed this is very generous from you.