This is probably a long shot, but considering the last post (amongst other reasons), this could be the best place to post about it (other then the trade thread... so maybe I'll post there later as well).
There's this bundle: It has all the titles I ever wanted... but it also has the remakes of the truly great Monkey Islands, which are NOT that great.
to add injury to insult (gOg should have the Old versions first), they also cost an arm and a leg > a 1/3 of the whole bundle.
so... If there is anybody that already has here the two MI remakes, and could buy All The Rest with the bundle completion price (aka 9.95),
I would be happy to reimburse him with a justified value, such as... ?
- This Tex bundle (or using those as individual titles with bundle completion prices as I have them all)
- 4*2.5 [75% of 9.99 / Any other way this price point is reached] = 10
- 7*1.19 [80% of 5.99] titles + SCHEIN $1.79 [80% of 8.99] / TALES OF MAJ'EYAL $1.79 [74% of 6.99] = 10.12
- 8*1.19 [80% of 5.99] titles + JOURNEY OF A ROACH $0.79 [95% of 14.99] = 10.31
If nothing else, there's always an option of using other sites such as Humble Bundle, Steam or Paypal...